19. Navigating Emotions

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As Reyansh leans in closer, his heart pounding, he suddenly feels a jolt.
His eyes flutter open and reality came crashing back.
Confusion washed over him as he realised that what he had just experienced was nothing more than a dream.

Disappointment gnaws at him as he glances towards Aradhna, who is still standing by the cliff, her gaze fixed on the rising sun. She seemed oblivious to his internal turmoil, lost in the beauty of the moment obviously.

Reyansh couldn't shake off the lingering feeling from his dream. The way his heart raced, the warmth of Aradhna's presence—it all felt so real. He struggled to comprehend his emotions, trying to differentiate between the dream world and reality. Yet, he realised that with each passing moment, his feelings for Aradhna are growing stronger.

Reyansh - What do I do about this feeling ? Whom do I even talk to about this ? For Aradhna , I am just her boss with whom she has to be cordial. I guess it's just a silly moment of weakness... I should get over it.

As Reyansh continues to grapple with his emotions, the camp began to stir with activity as everyone prepares to depart.
Vikram and Sunaina approach him, discussing their plans to head back home. Reyansh offers to drop them off since their paths aligned. Just when they are settling in the car , Vikram calls to Aradhna,

Vikram - Aradhna ! Your colony is near my place. Why don't you join us too? We will drop you off as well.

Aradhna hesitates for a moment, glancing at Reyansh, who met her gaze briefly before looking away. Despite the turmoil in his heart, he managed a nod of agreement.

Aradhna - Okay...That sounds good.

Aradhna replies softly, her voice barely above a whisper. Reyansh felt a pang of disappointment at her acceptance, knowing that the car ride would only prolong his internal struggle. Yet, he couldn't deny the faint glimmer of hope that flickered within him—a chance to spend a little more time with Aradhna, even if it was in the confines of a car.

As the journey back commenced, Reyansh found himself behind the wheel, stealing occasional glances at Aradhna through the rearview mirror. Vikram and Sunaina's lively conversation fills the car, their chatter about the beauty of the sunrise and the camp setups providing a stark contrast to Reyansh's inner conflicts. He couldn't shake the image of leaning in to kiss her, the warmth of her presence overwhelming his senses. Suddenly, Aradhna looks up, almost catching Reyansh's gaze in the mirror. A rush of panic surges through him and he immediately averts his eyes, focusing instead on the road ahead with a stiffness settling over him.

Vikram - Bro ? You okay ? Why are you sitting like a robot ?

Reyansh - I am fine...what plans do you have for today ?

Vikram gets a bit hesitant and after few seconds of silence , he replies...

Vikram - No major plans , Rey...Just meeting a friend...

Reyansh looks at him questioningly.

Reyansh  - Friend ? Which other friend do you have now ?

Vikram - Are...just an acquaintance bro...i have friends other than you also !

Reyansh - Ohho Accha !

Sunaina - Okay Enough You Guys ! Let's stop at the cafeteria.
Aradhna , this cafè used to be our daily adda...during our college times , we would always come to this place.

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