20. Hearts Awakened

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The next day dawns with a heaviness for Aradhna. Despite her best efforts to focus on her breakfast and the family conversations, her mind keeps wandering back to the events of the previous day—the worry etched into Reyansh's features, the weight of his unspoken burdens, and the palpable sense of unease that hangs in the air between them.

 Despite her best efforts to focus on her breakfast and the family conversations, her mind keeps wandering back to the events of the previous day—the worry etched into Reyansh's features, the weight of his unspoken burdens, and the palpable sense ...

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With a sigh, Aradhna leans back in her chair, closing her eyes as she allows the memories to wash over her. The image of Reyansh's troubled expression and the pain she felt seeing him drinking alone in his cabin tug at her.

She knows she shouldn't be feeling this way—after all, Reyansh is her boss, and their relationship is strictly professional. But how much ever she tries to bury her feelings beneath layers of professionalism, the truth remains unchanged. She cares about him, deeply, in a way that goes beyond the confines of their workplace.

The realization frightens Aradhna because she knows the possibilities of harboring feelings for someone in a position of power. But for the first time in a long while, she felt truly alive, her heart beating faster when he is near, a feeling of contentment mixed with butterflies.

Jagruti - Di ? Are you okay ? You look so lost...

Aradhna - Yes Jagruti, all good. Just some small trouble with work...

Jagruti - Is the work hectic ? Is your boss troubling you ?

Aradhna - No No ! Work isn't hectic and my boss... well he isn't troubling me, he's been helpful. It's something small, it will get resolved. Don't worry about me... I will leave now.

With the feeling of conflict , she completes her breakfast quickly and leaves for office.

At the office, Reyansh sits in his cabin, his mind swirling with conflicting emotions

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At the office, Reyansh sits in his cabin, his mind swirling with conflicting emotions. Vikram's words echo in his head, urging him to take a chance on love despite his past reservations. But skepticism lingers within him, fueled by his parents' strained relationship.

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