13. Glimpse of Hope

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In a split second, as the assailant's finger tightens on the trigger, Vikram unexpectedly intervenes, knocking the gunman's arm upward, causing the bullet to discharge harmlessly into the air.
Vikram swiftly tosses the gun to the police team, summoned by his urgent call for backup.
The police also caught hold of the people guarding the area. They take them all away after inspecting the area.

Reyansh - Thank you for coming , Mr Rawat. You are on time with the help. We knew we could trust you with this.

ACP Rawat - It's my duty , Mr Lamba. I have seen the footages and am shocked that some of the deputies are involved with the scandal ! The CEO is absconding , so we have set our men behind him too now.

Vikram - Rey ? Are you okay ? I hope you both are fine ?

Aradhna - I am okay , Vikram. But Mr Lamba doesn't look fine to me. The guy threw a brick at his elbow.

Reyansh - I am okay guys! Let's go to office! Then we should drop Aradhna at home too.

Reyansh attempts to give a handshake to Mr. Rawat but experiences a sharp elbow pain, causing him to flinch.

Vikram - Okayy ! You are definitely not okay! Let's go to the doctor !

They all thank Mr Rawat and after bidding their byes , rush to the hospital.
At the hospital, while Vikram is away to check the hospital's emergency formalities , Aradhna calls Harsh using Vikram's phone...

Harsh - Hello Vikram ?! Is Aradhna with you ??? Where are you ? Is she okay ? We just saw the news !

Aradhna - Daddy , it's me ! I am fine . We are at the City hospital.

Harsh - Aradhna !! We are coming there!

The doctor comes out of the emergency room.

Doctor - Reyansh has no internal injuries. But , the brick has hit the elbow too hard. So it's just a sprain. It will take a couple of days to heal. He will need to rest his elbow well and shouldn't hold strong weights.

Aradhna - Okay...Thank you doctor.

After the doctor leaves , Aradhna goes to the emergency room to meet Reyansh. She feels a surge of guilt on seeing him on the bed and his hand is wrapped with a compression bandage.

Aradhna - Mr Lamba ? May I come in ?

Reyansh - Hi Aradhna... come come. Are you okay ? Any injuries ?

Aradhna - I am okay ... but I am sorry about whatever happened...I caused a lot of trouble.

Saying this , she gets teary eyed out of guilt.

Reyansh - Ohh Ohh! Please don't be upset. These surprises come unexpected and it's a common part of our profession. We are used to it , Aradhna.

Aradhna - I should have been more careful.

Reyansh - Aradhna , you need to understand. We were doing a big scoop. It's a big scandal. People will be behind us to protect themselves from getting exposed and will go to any limit. Stop blaming yourself. This came unexpected to you on your first scoop. You should be happy that the scoop went well and you survived such a big attack.

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