2. Missed Opportunity

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Aradhna boards a bus since she wasn't getting another cab after she lost the previous one.

After she gets down the bus near NationTrue , she turns to face the humungous building and gets overwhelmed.

Aradhna belonged to a middle class family

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Aradhna belonged to a middle class family. Her parents , Bhakti and Harsh were both dentists and were widely respected in the society.

They wanted her too to join the same line as them. Become a doctor , enter surgery. But Aradhna's line of choice was different.

She aspired to enter the media field and do some great journalism. She wished to uncover as much untold stories as possible. Explore the society and the world.
Adamant at first, but her parents agreed ultimately and wanted their daughter to do what her heart feels happy in.

After pursuing a degree in Arts. She took up an internship in a small media startup but they were just limited to paparazzi clicks.

6 months into the job and Aradhna was fed up of just clicking celebrities based on rate cards. She wanted to do serious journalism , publish great stories , make the world aware of actual news.

She quit from the internship and started hunting for jobs for fairly reputed news channels but none called her for an interview , considering her beginner job profile.

After 4 months of relentless trials , Aradhna gets a call from a dream company to which she hadn't even applied too. It was nothing less than a dream come true for her.

Emotional and Nostalgic about her journey , she enters the building. It was 10:30 am . She was late.

At the Reception,

Aradhna - Hi Ma'am , I am Aradhna Sahni. I received a call for an interview for today.

Receptionist - Hi Aradhna , Good Morning. But, I am afraid you are late. Let me drop in a message to the boss. He's in a meeting and might not accept new interviews now. But , please wait in the lobby. We will get back to you shortly.

Dejected and demotivated, Aradhna sits in the colourful lobby. She sees all the awards the channel has won and gets teary thinking she has lost this chance too.

1 hour passes and she is almost losing hopes when she is called for the interview.

She enters a very well organised and perfect cabin. The chair was turned facing the wall . She couldn't see the boss.

Aradhna - Hi Sir , Good Morning . I am Aradhna Sahni. This is my resume and my certificates file.

She places the files on the desk and steps back...

Boss - You are late. What is the guarantee that you won't repeat this again

Aradhna - Sorry Sir. It won't happen again.

Boss - I don't encourage indiscipline and hence won't consider you. I have seen your profile on GlassDoor. We were looking for beginners to bring some freshness to the desk but I guess we don't need you now. You can leave.

Aradhna - Sir , please give me another chance. It's my dream job and I won't disappoint you again.

The chair turns around and Aradhna gets shocked seeing the person in front of her .

Aradhna - YOU ?!

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