8. Lavish Facade

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After a long day , Reyansh retires to his 'home'.

For any person, home is a place of comfort, a 'Sukoon Ghar' , where after a long tiring and bad day, a person seeks comfort from, in the vicinity of their family , seeking the warmth of their parents .

His house was no less than a huge lavish mansion. And his room was modern and classy with a beautiful sea.
However,  for Reyansh. It was just a lonely , cold and dark place.

He sits on his bed and slowly dozes off while watching the waves outside

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He sits on his bed and slowly dozes off while watching the waves outside .

~~~ Flashback ~~~

His parents , Vivek Lamba and Kadambari Devi met in college. Yes, they were the typical college sweethearts who never saw anything or anyone else other than each other...they were madly in love!

After their graduation, Vivek proposed to Kadambari and they decide to tie the knot without any delays.
Within 2 weeks, at the ripe age of 22 , both eloped from their homes to get married , obviously against their families wishes.

Within 2 years , Reyansh was born. They lived a normal simple and happy life.
But both were young and had big dreams to achieve. Bigger than just doing a regular 9-5 job.

Kadambari is a beautiful, trained classical singer and she wanted to pursue singing as a profession.

Kadambari is a beautiful, trained classical singer and she wanted to pursue singing as a profession

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So she dropped her software job to focus on her art and enter the music industry. But obviously, nothing comes easy. She had to give multiple auditions and undergo rigorous trainings , which restricted her from being at home for long durations.

On the other hand , after a couple of months , Vivek too simultaneously tried to set up a business with whatever money he earned from his job also because it was becoming tough to handle the overall expenses and Reyansh was just a toddler who needed his mom's constant attention , so Vivek was able to be there for him in Kadambari's absence.

As time flew , their professional commitments made them lose focus from Reyansh.
They would return so late and would be tired.

Rey was either by himself or with his house help. He loved to draw and would keep painting caricatures of his family.

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