16. A Moment Of Care

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Aradhna sat at the breakfast table in Sahni's kitchen, savoring the aroma of freshly brewed coffee. The morning sunlight streamed through the window, casting a warm glow over the room.

Suddenly, the door burst open and Pooja rushed in, her face flushed with excitement ,

Pooja - Aradhna, guess what?!

Aradhna - What's going on ,Pooja ?!

Pooja - I got tickets to the music fest today ! There are going be 3 singers performing ! Shreya Ghoshal , Shaan and Kadambari Devi !  Jagruti and I will come to your office in the evening and we will leave from there to the fest.

As Pooja mentions about Kadambari , Aradhna couldn't help but remember about Reyansh.

Aradhna - Pooja , you know Mr Lamba is Kadambari's son ?

Pooja - Yes , I am aware. But, how does it matter now ?

Aradhna - No... I just remembered something and mentioned.

Aradhna gets a bit lost in thoughts as she recalls the previous day.

Pooja - Did something happen ? Anything you want to share ?

Aradhna - Don't know Pooji...something was off with him yesterday. He behaved very weirdly with me in office , he was in a bad mood and then in the evening , I found him drinking in his cabin.  He looked upset.

Pooja - Drinking ?! Hope he is fine. He looked okay the day we all met him in the hospital after the attack.

Aradhna - Yes...but I am just worried about him. After I joined , it's the first time I am witnessing this side of him.

Pooja - Aradhna...why do you care ? It's his personal life and he's just your boss. Unless...you started developing feelings for him.

Aradhna shifted uncomfortably in her seat, her fingers tracing the rim of her coffee cup nervously.

Aradhna - It's not like that, Pooji...Mr Lamba is just my boss. I'm simply concerned because I've never seen him like this before.

Pooja studied her friend's face intently, her expression thoughtful. She understood that Aradhna is in denial. Then she spoke with a smile ,

Pooja - Radhi , sometimes our feelings surprise us. Maybe there's more to your concern than just professional courtesy.

Aradhna shook her head adamantly, her denial palpable.

Aradhna - No, Pooja ! You are just reading too much into it. Reyansh is just...Mr Lamba, my boss.

But deep down, Aradhna couldn't shake the nagging feeling that Pooja might be onto something. As much as she tried to brush off her concern as mere professionalism, there was a part of her that couldn't ignore the growing sense of affection for him , in her heart.

Pooja - It's alright , Radhi... take it easy... it's not wrong to have feelings for somebody. If he is bothering you so much, I would suggest you to keep your distance. Just restrict your conversations strictly to official matters.

Aradhna - Hmm...I will try that.

At office , Aradhna is working diligently. Suddenly, Reyansh walked into the office area, prompting Aradhna to glance up. Relief washed over her as she noticed that he seemed to be in a better mood today.

Shortly afterward, Reyansh summoned Aradhna, along with Payal and Varun, to his office. Inside the cabin, Reyansh commends them for their exceptional work and timely submissions on the previous day's 9pm news . The praise was a welcome affirmation of their efforts, leaving them feeling content and accomplished.

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