10. Unexpected Encounter

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It's a new morning. Aradhna is having her breakfast and lost in thoughts about the case...

Aradhna (thinking) - What do these people get by selling medicines like this ? By harming others , how will they ever stay happy ?

Jagruti and Pooja enter at the same time and shake her , waking her up from her thoughts.

Pooja - Madam ?! In whose thoughts are you lost ? Don't tell me it's Reyansh ?! Do you like him ?! Tell tell !

Aradhna - What ?! I wasn't thinking about Reyansh !

Jagruti - You skipped the question about your liking for Reyansh ? Di , do you like him ?

Aradhna - uhh...I do like Reyansh. But it's more of an admiration and respect towards him ,as a professional. He's the best at his work and is so smart, witty and handsome !

 He's the best at his work and is so smart, witty and handsome !

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Jagruti and Pooja start laughing...Aradhna feels stupid.

Pooja - Handsome haaan ?!

Aradhna - Okay Shut Up , guys ! I have to leave for work now. See you in the evening !

Pooja and Jagruti were just teasing her and they knew that it's too soon for Aradhna to fall for somebody and that too Reyansh , who is her boss. But they understood that she has a deep admiration for him.

Aradhna reaches NationTrue. Throughout her ride , she was thinking about what Pooja and Jagruti said , about her and Reyansh... she felt dumb and embarrassed. Just then she bumps into Reyansh.

Reyansh - Ms Sahni , you are very clumsy. This is the third time after you joined that you have bumped into me.

Aradhna - Sorry , Mr Lamba.

Reyansh - No issues . But you need to focus otherwise you will get hurt before reaching your goal. Now come with me to the meeting room. Let's discuss if the team has any findings about the case.

They enter the cabin. Vikram , Sunaina and the other members of the team are already waiting.

Reyansh - So Guys , Could you gather any information after our meeting yesterday ?

Vikram- Our investigation into the drugs scandal is unveiling a dark web of corruption and secrecy.

Payal- The trail of illegal substances leads to influential figures, raising questions about the integrity of our institutions.

Rahul - They have been planning this from a very long time but kept it underground. Now that the goods are circulated and we are seeing impacts, we gained awareness.

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