7. Unravelling the Puzzle

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Vikram - Rey , why did you accuse that new girl ? You never approve of any news without multiple proofs. But you were calling her a spy ?

Reyansh stays silent.

Vikram - Are ! Say something na. Why are you like this ?!

Reyansh - You will know soon. Company ka VP, get back to work. We need another scoop for the Thursday prime news . Something solid.

Reyansh sits back and looks outside through his cabin window , he sees Aradhna.

Reyansh sits back and looks outside through his cabin window , he sees Aradhna

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She definitely doesn't look very happy. Infact she has an angry look. He watches as Vikram approaches her.

He rings somebody.

Reyansh - Need you in my cabin asap !

~~~ After 1 hour ~~~

Reyansh calls for another urgent meeting. Aradhna had gone to have some coffee with her fellow employees. They directly go to the meeting room from the cafeteria.

Aradhna (thinking to herself) - Now God knows , whom and for what he will blame me or another person...😪

Sunaina - What happened Rey ?? Why did you call for another meeting ?

Reyansh - So , we have caught the culprit. It's our dearest peon, Yadav ! Who would have expected that he was here as a spy for Republic Times.

Yadav - Sir ?! What are you saying ? I don't know all these things. I am uneducated.

Reyansh - It doesn't take a degree to steal and commit a crime. We have proofs to confirm too.

Saying this , he switches on the projector, which show clips of the peon swooping into files and taking pictures of the details.

Yadav attempts to run away but is caught by the police, who were already informed and called , to arrest him.

Vikram - But Rey, how did you think it was him behind all this ?

Reyansh - Well, I knew that it wasn't one of our employees behind this because we have been a solid team from years.
However, I knew Aradhna was new and an easy bait to use for my play. I didn't suspect her but the accusation on her was just a clickbait to find the actual culprit.

Aradhna (awestruck) - How ?!

Reyansh - So, when I accused her of the crime and we were having our argument. I saw the peon trying to sneak in and listen to the conversation. And the loser had a celebratory smile on his face, which just gave away. Then with the help of Amit , our hacker , we tapped his phone and got his details , caller lists and gallery.
And there you go ! We found our culprit !

Everybody is awestruck by Reyansh. There's a reason they highly respected him. The guy just knew his instincts and he was damn good with his business. They applaud for him .

Reyansh - I don't need the applause , guys. But , we need to be more stronger and careful as a team. We can't let gossip mongers and losers like this snoop and take away our important stories. Remember , we are the No1 channel for a reason. Our stories , our passion and integrity has made Nationtrue what it is today.

Aradhna is really impressed by Reyansh ,
All the employees resolve to be more careful now onwards and leave to their respective cubicles.

When Aradhna reaches her cubicle, she sees a few chocolate bars wrapped up with a cute message on it .
There was small note which also said "Thanks for being my bait" .

This brings a smile on Aradhna's face as she loves chocolates and also finds this small gesture very cute

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This brings a smile on Aradhna's face as she loves chocolates and also finds this small gesture very cute.

Aradhna is a bit surprised. As she didn't expect this from Reyansh, especially considering how their interactions have been so far .

She turns to face Reyansh's cabin when her eyes meet with Reyansh's eyes.

He pauses for a few seconds and gives her a nod with a small smile , and returns to reading his files.

Aradhna (to herself) - Woah wait! Did he just smile at me ?!

This was another surprise for Aradhna. She was smiling foolishly looking at the chocolates and then at Reyansh.

Aradhna - He is definitely something else... difficult to decode.

With that she packs up her bag and leaves to home after a tiring , chaotic but eventful first day.

Hope you guys are enjoying the story. How did you like Aradhna's first working day ?!

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