18. Campsite Bonding

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A week passes with the situation heading the same way. Aradhna was trying to stick to her resolution of maintaining distance from Reyansh , and on the other hand , he was getting impatient seeing her being aloof with him.

One fine day , the team sets out on the outing planned by Sunaina, excited about having a day off for relaxation and looking forward to the activities.

The beautiful camping site is meticulously arranged, with tents pitched and a barbecue set up. Sunaina looks very content with the arrangements done and the team looks on , elated.

As they settled their luggage into the cozy tents, anticipation lingered in the air, urging them to explore their surroundings

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As they settled their luggage into the cozy tents, anticipation lingered in the air, urging them to explore their surroundings.
Arrangements were made for their evening snacks which they all happily relish on.

With satisfied smiles, the team gathers together on the bean bags and garden mats scattered in the campsite, their minds buzzing with excitement.

Vikram - So, what's the plan now ?!

Sunaina - We can play some games. Why don't you guys suggest something to start with ?

Payal - How about we start off with a game of charades ?! It's a great way to break the ice and get everyone involved !

Sunaina - That sounds like fun! Let's split into
teams then.

With enthusiasm bubbling over, the group divide themselves into teams, each member eagerly anticipating their turn to act out clues and guess the answers.

Rahul, Aradhna, Reyansh, Payal, and Sunaina formed one team, while Vikram, Varun, Meenu, Riya, and Adarsh comprised the other.

In the first round, Rahul drew the movie title "Romeo and Juliet."
With a mischievous grin, Rahul begins to mime, his movements exaggerated and theatrical. Aradhna's eyes lit up with recognition and she eagerly shouts out the answer, giving a victory high-five to Rahul. Reyansh couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy at their camaraderie, but he pushes the feeling aside, he did not want to spoil the fun with his mood.

As the game progresses to the second round, When Reyansh drew the movie title "PS I Love You" , he glances over at Aradhna, who met his gaze with a warm smile. With a deep breath, Reyansh began to act out the clues, trying to convey the essence of the film through subtle gestures and expressions.

Aradhna's eyes widen and she blurts out the answer loudly at Reyansh,

Aradhna - I LOVE YOU !!

She soon realises what she yelled out and she tries to hide her expression , feeling shy and embarrassed.
Reyansh couldn't help but notice the hint of blush on her cheeks. However , he didn't know what to decipher of it. Maybe she was just too excited and happy about guessing the answer.

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