9. Seizing the Opportunity

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One week passed since Aradhna joined Nationtrue.
She was enjoying the work process and mainly, she was learning a lot.
She wasn't given any solid stories to handle herself yet because she was new but she was assisting the others.

Journalism is not an easy profession. It's not just about publishing stories but proper proofs are required too. Especially when dealing with exposing big parties or criminals otherwise it is extremely risky not just to the company and employees but even to their families.

She bonded well with Vikram and made a few other friends. They would help her too with understanding the work systems , giving tours of the office.

And as for Reyansh , day by day , she was really growing more and more in awe of him , as a professional.

And as for Reyansh , day by day , she was really growing more and more in awe of him , as a professional

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He always focused on serious journalism and just hated the entertainment portals.
Everybody enjoyed his company and loved his way of working. So was she.

Reyansh calls for a meeting with the team to discuss on the new stories allotment.

Reyansh - So guys , we have one important story. But we need a team of five , specifically to work on this scoop. Since it is extremely confidential and a high profile case . We can't take risks.

Vikram - The case is about the expired drugs being sold in the market.
These are highly lethal and those consuming the drugs are either facing harmful consequences or death .

Reyansh - There's a very big mafia gang involved in the drug dealing and we have to get to the crux of this case before more people face issues.

Reyansh - There's a very big mafia gang involved in the drug dealing and we have to get to the crux of this case before more people face issues

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Sunaina - For this case , I have prepared a list of five.
Vikram , Meenu , Riya , Rahul and Payal. You will be working on this case together. Be very careful. If there's any leads, please intimate me and Reyansh immediately.

Aradhna knows she's a beginner. But she desired to be a part of this scoop. It would be a great experience for her.
After the meeting , she goes to Reyansh's cabin. She knocks on his cabin door.

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