17. Distracted Mind

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As the morning sun filtered through the office windows, Aradhna sat at her desk, determined to maintain her distance from Reyansh. She busied herself with her tasks, avoiding any unnecessary interactions.
Meanwhile, Reyansh couldn't shake off the memory from the previous day. He glanced around the office, hoping to catch a glimpse of Aradhna.

Just then, Aradhna enters Reyansh's cabin, holding a neatly compiled story report. She placed it on his desk with a formal nod, her demeanor composed and professional.
Reyansh notices her reserved behavior and decides to assign a task to her, hoping to ease her or create a conversation. He speaks in a gentle yet authoritative tone.

Reyansh - Aradhna, I need you to cover the strike at the domestic airport . You can take someone with you for assistance.

Aradhna nods in acknowledgment, accepting the task without hesitation.

Aradhna - Sure, Mr Lamba. I'll handle it.

She replied, her tone devoid of any warmth.
Reyansh couldn't help but wonder why she seemed so distant.Was it just a bad mood or was there something more to it?

As Aradhna left the cabin and seated herself , Reyansh noticed Rahul approaching her. He observes their interaction from afar. To his surprise, she appeared relaxed and engaged when in conversation with Rahul.

Perplexed by her sudden change in demeanor, Reyansh watched as they headed towards the cafeteria, his gaze following them. Just then , Sunaina enters the cabin.

Sunaina - Rey ! The investors have given us some amount from the profits to invest in team building activities. Also, our reporters have been working pretty hard from the last 2 months. It will be relaxing for them.

Reyansh - That sounds like a great idea, Sunaina. We definitely need to appreciate our team's hard work and invest in their well-being. Do you have any suggestions for team-building activities?

Sunaina smiles , her eyes bright with enthusiasm.

Sunaina - I was thinking of organizing a day out for everyone, maybe a picnic or an overnight camping kind. It would be a chance for everyone to unwind and bond outside of work. Which one do you prefer ?

Reyansh nods absentmindedly, his attention divided between Sunaina's suggestions and the image of Aradhna chatting with Rahul in the cafeteria. He forced himself to focus on the conversation, but his mind and gaze kept drifting back to her.

 He forced himself to focus on the conversation, but his mind and gaze kept drifting back to her

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Sunaina - Rey ?! Are you even listening ?!

Reyansh - Yes , that's a great idea , Sunaina! Go ahead with organising it.

Sunaina - Reyansh , did you even listen to what I said ? I just suggested options. A picnic during the day or overnight camping ?

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