1. The Rush

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One bright sunny morning , an alarm tone wakes up a beautiful girl.
Her dove like eyes flutter as the sunlight flashes on her face.

She immediately picks up her phone and browses through her mails

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She immediately picks up her phone and browses through her mails.

Aradhna - Such a bad start to the day ! Why does nobody want to give me a chance !

A feeling of disappointment rushes through her and she falls back on her bed covering herself beneath the sheets.

Her sister enters the bedroom and pulls off the sheets making Aradhna furious!

Jagruti - Di ! Wake up ! Its 8am !

Aradhna - What The F , Jagruti ?! And so what if it's 8! Not like I have a job to go for !

Jagruti - What do you mean you don't need to go anywhere ?! You have an interview at 10am ! Didn't you read my note yesterday evening ?

Aradhna - What note ? What interview ? Pagal ! Couldn't you have told me directly about it ?

Jagruti - Sorry , you were having a serious discussion with daddy , when you received the call for an interview. I didn't want to interrupt you and I was in a rush, so I left a note near your wallet. It must have fallen somewhere. But you still have time !
Interview is at 10am ! You can still make it to NationTrue by 9:45am , if you hurry.

Aradhna's eyes widen on hearing the name 'NationTrue'

Aradhna - NationTrue ?! You mean The No1 NationTrue News Channel ?!

Jagruti nods yes in response and Aradhna immediately jumps off her bed and gets into a mini dance with her baby sis!

Aradhna - Oh my god , Jagruti ! NationTrue is a dream company for any journalist. I can't believe it that being a beginner , I got a call for a job there 🤩

Jagruti - Now, don't waste time otherwise your dream will stay a dream only ! Hurry !

Aradhna takes a quick shower , drapes a simple but very beautiful peach saree , letting her long tresses flow back freely and rushes with her files to take blessings from her parents , Dr Bhakti and Dr Harsh Sahni

Bhakti - Ahan ! Here you are , Radhi ! Your breakfast is ready ! Sit and eat it.

Aradhna - No mumma ! I don't have time. I will eat something on the way.

Bhakti - No No ! Wait ! I will pack the sandwich. Have it on the way. No need of eating outside 😒

Aradhna - Thank you mumma! Please give me your blessings . I really need it today! 🥺

Harsh - Our blessings are always with you beta! You don't have to ask for it on a specific day. May all your dreams come true. All the best !

Bhakti - All the best , beta and take your food and supplements on time otherwise your bp will drop.

Aradhna - Thank you both of you. Bye 👋🏻

With that , Aradhna departs , hustling through the busy city of Delhi to reach her destination on time. She decides to take a cab so that she can reach faster but she isn't able to find one.

Aradhna - oh god ! I am definitely going to be late if I don't get the cab within 5 mins 🙁

She sees a cab approaching her and waves for it to stop. The cab stops but her bag slips off her shoulder. By the time , she puts the sling back , somebody gets into the cab.

Aradhna (angrily) - Hey ?!

Stranger - Hey !

Aradhna - I got the cab first. He stopped for me.  Plus I am really getting late. I need the cab please.

Stranger - He stopped for you but I got in first. So it's mine now. Bye ! 😏

With that the cab leaves and Aradhna is stunned and furious by the encounter.

Aradhna - Wth ! Now I am definitely going to be late for the interview 😣

* This is my very first try with wattpad story writing.
Apologies in advance if there are any mistakes from my end in the writing. Would appreciate all kinds of feedback

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