15. Invisible Wounds

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As the sun paints the Lamba mansion in hues of gold, Reyansh's day begins like any other. He sits up and checks his phone for updates, scanning through news and messages.
Amidst the morning calm, a familiar melody floats from downstairs – his mother, Kadambari, filling the house with the tunes of her regular riyaaz...

With an irritated sigh, Reyansh hurries through his morning rituals, barely sparing a moment to acknowledge the melody that more or less , haunts his routine.

As he descends the staircase, Reyansh's steps falter as he spots Kadambari seated at the dining table, a lone figure in the quiet morning, sipping on a glass of hot water.
Intent on slipping away unnoticed, he's unfortunately halted in his tracks by her gentle call.

Kadambari - Reyansh ?!

Reyansh - Yes ?

Kadambari - How is your leg now ?

Reyansh rolls his eyes listening to her question. She doesn't even know where he was injured and she is questioning about his injury after a week. He responds cockily to her question.

Reyansh - It's been a week since I was hurt , Mrs Lamba

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Reyansh - It's been a week since I was hurt , Mrs Lamba. And for your kind information, my leg is completely fine. Nothing happened to my leg.

Kadambari - Sorry Reyansh. I was occupied with the song launch and preparing for the music fest...I wasn't ...

Reyansh (interrupts) - Okay Bye , Mrs Lamba. It was nice meeting you . I am leaving !

Kadambari - Reyansh ?! Is this how you behave with your mother ?! I was just concerned!

Reyansh- OHH WOW ! Thank you so much for your concern , ma'am ! But I don't need it !

With that , Reyansh stomps out of the house without having breakfast , while Kadambari just stares at his back, with widened eyes.

Reyansh - This is why I didn't want to come across her ! She just somehow manages to spoil my day !

He strides into the office, clearly in a foul mood. Few moments later, Aradhna too enters the building and greets him with a smile and a wave. However, he ignores her completely and disappears into the lift. Aradhna hurries after him to enter the lift but the doors shut on her face, leaving her standing alone in the lobby , shocked by this behaviour.

Frustration bubbled within her as she punched the button for the lift, replaying the encounter in her mind. What had she done to deserve such treatment from Reyansh ?! They had been on good terms lately. He, infact, visited her house also few days back.

Lost in her thoughts, stepping out into the bustling office , she made her way to her desk, determined to put the incident behind her and focus on her work , but she couldn't. Despite his behaviour which was offensive , she also cared for him and is concerned now.

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