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I recommend you to read full description before starting the story.... It will help to understand better💟



"You are still awake Taehyung?" The police officer asked the alpha sitting in the corner of the jail.

Taehyung just smiled back at the officer who was opening the door of jail now.

"Wow what a surprise? It's first time in seven years I have seen you smiling."the officer said sitting next to the alpha.

"Are you happy that you getting released tomorrow?" The officer asked.

"I am meeting my small brother after so much time....I can't even say it in words how much happy I am."tae said looking at the photo in his hand.

There were two small kids in there, one with crescent smile with his eyes closing and other with boxy smile.

"You really love your brother don't you?" The officer asked and tae just nodded in yes.

"In all these years you have never met your family, neither you talked with anyone. You are such a good hard working alpha tae, how did you ended up here?" The officer asked.

"I have spent seven years in this jail sir, but my story is longer than it.....

Flashback starts: (the whole story is in flashback so tighten your sit belt.)

Tae was 11 year old when my mom and little omega brother had gone to worship moon goodness.

"My alpha son name is taehyung and omega son is Jimin, please make a blessing with their name." The mother said to old lady.

"Sure dear."the lady said doing her rituals.

"Mom, you promised me that you will take me to dad."tae asked to his mother who was busy in her one year old baby in her arms. Yes it was jimin.

"We are going there only baby." Tae's mother said putting her hand on tae's head.

"Here is your offering." The old lady said giving it to tae's mother.

"God.... It's black." The mother said looking at inside is fruit.

"What happened mom?" Tae asked.

"It's bad omen baby..... Moon goodness please don't let anyone happen to my babies." The omega mother prayed to God.

But that's what happened... His dad has married to another omega and throw them out of his house. Broken his ties completely with us.

His mom couldn't take the pain and died in the train when they were going God know where.

"What happened?" The officer of the train asked

"M-.... My mom...." Tae was crying.

What could the little baby even do? He was just 10 year old with one year old baby omega in his hands crying for his mother.

The train officer was like God to tae.... He helped the little boy in getting the proper burial of his mother.

When the burial was about to end the owner of land got there.

"Who the heck build tomb in my area?" The rude alpha asked looking at small alpha with little baby crying in his hands. But the officer come in front and the little alpha hided behind him.

"This field being to both these babies! Why are you to ask that?" The officer asked to the alpha.

"I own this field! His mom took loan from me and now she's is died without giving me back my money. So I can seize this!" The alpha said in anger.

"So remove this tomb right now!" The alpha said when no-one replied to him.

"I'll repay your dept.... Please don't remove my mom's tomb..." Tae got on his knees with the baby crying in his hands.

"He says he will repay your debt , atleast give him a chance." The officer said.

"At first his dad run away with another omega, now mom died. He's still a kid. How will he repay me?" The rude alpha asked to officer.

"He will work on this field for you and pay you back! Otherwise I will give you your money." The officer said

"Okay! Every year the involvement should reach to me in time."

"It's installment not involvement." The officer said with his hand slapping to his own forehead at the stupid alpha.

"Whatever let's go."the rude alpha gone back with his man's with gun.

And with that started new life of taehyung, one second he was carrying the trolly filled with vegetables next he have to run to crying jimin.

He will feed the baby with bottle and watch how to crying baby start to sleep peacefully again.

When he was 15 year old he found a abondoned baby horse in the field.

The little jimin was 5 now and his hyung was teaching him every little thing which his parents taught him at his age. He would show rainbow, dance in rain with his baby brother.

"Minnie, Mom used to say that that star is you and that is me." Taehyung said pointing at two bright stars beside moon.

Time passed and jimin become 10 years and taehyung 20. Tae started to work in the field on crops and jimin will do small works like cleaning the house. They will have their time with the horse at night where tae will take his baby brother to ride.

But taehyung was not a weak alpha anymore. Even the grown up man in Village were scared of him due to his fighting skills.

Little jimin was going school now but the teacher were scared to teach him as even one tear in jimin's eye and the teacher will have fractured bone next day.

When jimin needed to go on big school in near City he was crying a bit as he had to leave his hyung for almost half day.

But at the entrance one beta come towards him with big smile on his face with dairy milk in hand. Jimin hesitated a bit but took it when tae told him to.

"I am J-hope, you can call me hobi."the beta said with big smile.

He give one chocolate to tae also and tae took it patting head of the small kid.

Days passed and one day jimin came crying to his brother in middle of night. The baby horse had died at that night.

Jimin stopped talking with everyone from that day. He stopped eating, going out of his room. Only crying in memories of horse and that's when tae came with the idea.

He bought a cute clay horse from market which made jimin brighten up at it was exactly similar to their old horse.

The little omega will sleep with the horse in his hand every day, feed him before he eat.

Days passed and taehyung is 28 years today..... His little baby being 18 year old.

The hard work of taehyung finally paid of and his little bicycle changed into bike.

"Don't worry taehyung, your brother will pass the exam with top score." The old lady said and tae was praying to moon goodness.

He got back home to take his baby brother.

"Jimin, let's go we are getting late." Taehyung yelled from outside.



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