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"Did you like my singing that much?" Jungkook asked with big smile.

"The dog might run away by listening to your singing." Jimin said with sweet sarcastic smile which made jungkook's smile go on thin line. Jimin almost jumped from his place when jungkook suddenly started to sing in worst voice he can do.

"~WHO?!! WHO?! WHO?!!~"

The dog whoe was sleeping peacefully jumped up from his place barking at the voice coming from inside.

"~WHO?!! WHO?! WHO?!!~"

The alpha started to dance with rap which made the poor omega go and sit in corner of bath tub but jungkook jumped upon him to take shower handle from other side. He wanted to use it like a mike but his plans failed when the shower handle handle broke and water started to flush out on both of them.

"Aaaah close it!" Jimin yelled preventing himself from getting wet.

Jungkook tried to fix it back but it was completely broken now. Jungkook looked behind that Jimin was almost half wet. As much as he would have enjoyed this in US with bold omega he knew Jimin have his own boundaries.

He immediately jumped in bath tub standing in front of the omega taking all water in himself. He made sure that his back would be facing the omega so that he won't get uncomfortable with wet clothes.

Suddenly crying baby voice was heard which made Jimin flinch in fear.

"It's my coller tune." Jungkook said with smirk picking up his call which made Jimin roll his eyes annoyed. But that didn't meant he didn't lean towards alpha to listen to call.

"Hey lia! I am in shower can i call you later?" Jungkook said and but the call.

"She's my girlfriend." Jungkook said to Jimin.

"I didn't ask." Jimin said trying his best to show he was not interested.

"I thought you might." Jungkook shrugged.

"I don't care." Jimin said biting down his nails.

"By the way, how many girlfriends do you have?" Jimin asked when jungkook didn't said anything for a while tressing on the word girlfriends.

"14! Including you"

"I am not your omega or boyfriend!" Jimin almost yelled at jungkook's back.

"Omega always say the opposite." Jungkook said shrugging.

"I mean i am." Jimin said with pout after thinking carefully of jungkook's stupid logic.

"That's what i said." Jungkook said with smirking turning toward omega.

"But I-...."

"Oh come on. There were other alpha's and omegas at the party too . But you asked for my help. Why?"

"I-...." Jimin tried but the alpha cut him off.

"Because you consider me a friend."

"Boy!" Jungkook said pointing at Jimin.

"Plus friends."

"Boyfriend!" He said not giving Jimin any chance to explain himself.

Something Something? Nothing! -JikookWhere stories live. Discover now