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"Jimin your books." Jin yelled from back running with almost 20 books in his hands.

"Hey! Be careful."  Taehyung yelled to Jin and with that Jin dropped them.

Jimin looked at his brother with lips pressed into thin line.

"You know that he will drop them if you interrupt him!" Jimin said in scolding voice and taehyung scratched his forehead.

"Jin, it's my exam today, I don't need them." Jimin said looking back at the pouting omega and took his sit on the bike.

"Take them with you jimin, you can score better if you copy." Taehyung said in serious voice.

"Let's go dear brother." Jimin said with done voice.


"You remeber everything you studied right?" Taehyung was asking while helping his baby omega on the train.


"Concentrate on your studies and do well in your exams."tae said and started walking fastly as train started to move. Jimin was standing in the door.

"Yes hyung." Jimin said with teary voice.

"Why don't you go with him?" The officer said finally stopping the running alpha.

"Why?" Taehyung asked innocently.

"How many times will you tell him? So good. Do good-..…" the officer continued talking when tae heard one voice from running train.


"Jimin had always done well.... Huh where did he go?" The officer asked to himself when he looked back and tae was not there anymore.


"You've cast a spell on me.... Baby I love you oh baby I love you!!!"the alpha were singing in ugly voice while jimin was ignoring them looking out of window.

But he was getting scared more and more and the more and more alpha entered. But when he looked up he saw his hyung sitting on next sit and he left a breath is relief.

Jimin got up and moved to next sit the alpha followed him but a bulky body stopped them. All of them looked up at the tall alpha.

"Nice song." Taehyung said and the alpha nodded in yes shyly.

"Your voice is also good." The alpha nodded again.

"But teasing omega is wrong."tae said with serious face now.

"What did he say?" The main leader alef to his assistance.

"Wrong!!" The assistance yelled.

"Who are you to interfere? Move!" The leader yelled but got angry when tae didn't moved an inch.

He pulled up his shirt showing his big family pack stomach and two knife which were fitted in his pants which were barely holding his big stomach.

"See that! I'll stab you with this." He took out the knife but the next second his hand was empty with a slap on his cheek.

Taehyung gave back the knife with smile and he tried to stab tae again but once again got slapped and his hand was empty again.

Taehyung again gave back him his knife but this time instead of slap the leader was thrown out of train followed by all his minions.


"Check and mate!" Jack said moving his piece of Queen.

"One day I'll definately beat you." Taehyung said laughing at his defeat.

Something Something? Nothing! -JikookWhere stories live. Discover now