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"Who else is there in your family?" Mrs jeon asked getting near the omega now.

"Just an elder brother."

"What does he do?"


"Farming!" Mrs jeon said and jimin clearly failed to notice the taunt in her voice.

"Yeah... We have a poultry farm and we sell milk too." Jimin said proudly pouring the tea .

"Did you take your brother's permission, to attend this marriage?" Mrs jeon asked.

"Yes, ma'am. I never do anything without my brother's permission." Jimin said with a proud smile.

"Then you must have taken his permission to entice my son." Mrs jeon said and the cut of tea dropped from jimin's hand in shock .

"What are you quiet now?" Mrs jeon yelled making the omega flinch in fear.

"What will he say now? His entire plan had been ruined now." Mr min yelled running inside the room in anger.


"Hobi your aunt from US is yelling at jimin." One of hobi's friend told to him who was preparing for wedding in dressing room.

Hobi immediately got up to go there.


"I was really impressed with his hard this omega's working. Now I understood what he was up to!" Mr Jung also come behind Mr min yelling on the way.

"Why are you all yelling at him?" Hobi come running to take his friends side.

"We were all busy at the wedding and he grabbed the opportunity to seduce poor jungkook!" Mr. Min yelled again.

"Don't say that uncle, jungkook also likes him." Hobi said hiding the crying omega behind his back. There was no voice but tears were tricking down his eyes from the start.

"Yes! That's what his plan is!" Mr min yelled like finally his trap worked.

"Uncle please-...."

"Shut up hobi! Let the elders half this." Mr Jung said pulling hobi behind him makes Jimin stand all alone now.

"But -..."

"Quiet!" Mr Jung stopped hobi from further talking.

"If you have any shame, then leave right now." Mrs jeon said coming in front of him who was continuously wiping his tears.

"And find someone else!" Mr min yelled.

Jimin couldn't control his sons anymore, he didn't wait for a second before turning back and running towards the front door of the living room.

But he stopped in his track with a gasp when he saw his hyung coming in from there. He immediately wiped his tears not letting taehyung see him in this condition.

Taehyung comes near the omega with a big smile on his face.

"See, Didn't I tell you? He can't live without me even for a day. See how he is crying." Taehyung said wiping tears from jimin's eyes and turning back to namjoon who nod in yes.

Jimin couldn't control himself anymore, he broke down completely hugging his brother. Taehyung just sighed caressing the back of the omega with the other hand on his head.

"Your brother is here. Stop being like a baby." He said to the omega breaking the hug and jimin nodded in yes. He was relieved now that his hyung will protect him.

"Hobi, how are you?" Taehyung asked about going near the omega.

"Look I have bought this wedding dress for you. It's my mom's, wear this during the rituals. You will look beautiful in it." Taehyung said putting the dress in hobi's hands.

Hobi accepted it with a small smile.

"You must be hobi's dad. I was very young when I last saw you. I bought this suit for you uncle." Taehyung said extending the box politely to the old alpha.

Before Mr Jung can respond Me min came forward and threw the box of the dress on the ground and started to kick it under his shoes.

"What the heck are you doing?" Namjoon asked angrily coming forward to punch the man in jaw. Mr. Min's jaw would already have been dislocated if it wasn't for taehyung stopping him.

"What happened here jimin?" Taehyung asked about coming near the omega who was crying silent tears again.

"See! Both siblings are alike."Mr min yelled with scoff.

"We invited you to attend the wedding and not to seduce rich alpha's." Mr. Jung yelled coming forward.

"What are you saying?" Taehyung asked fist already formed in anger.

"The little omega brother was flirting around with a billionaire kid and the brother doesn't then have a clue." Mr min said with a fake smile.

"You-...! Not a word against my brother or I will kill you right here." Taehyung threatened hand already in air to punch the older alpha but he controlled himself.

Mr min gulped going back maintaining a safe distance before starting to yell again.

"If you find out about your brother's deeds, you will beat him black and blue!" Mr min yelled.

"You fucker-...." Taehyung yelled going running to punch the man but Jimin came running to stop him.

"N-... No hyung please... Stop." Taehyung brings his hand down wiping the tears away.

"It's your fault and you are fuming at us? Who are you? A simple peasant who works in the fields and owns some cattle and poultry?" Mrs jeon said finally breaking her silence.

"You are not even fit to be our servant! How did you even think about seducing my son? Get out! Get out of here right now!" She scoffed looking at the alpha.

"Didn't you hear what my sister said?" Mr Jung asked when both tae and jimin didn't move.

"We've seen enough of your brother's dirty tricks. Take him away!"Mr min said and jimin looked up through his tears to see tae looking at his feet without saying anything.

"Let's go jimin." Taehyung said finally opening his closed eyes.

They both turned back to go back when hobi stopped taehyung running behind him.

"Hyung, please forgive me."hobi said crying while holding both hands. Taehyung took his hands shaking his head in order to stop him from apologizing.

"It's my little brother's wedding so I am leaving quietly." Tae said in a small voice keeping his hand on hobi's head who closed his eyes in tears sobbing again.

"Otherwise! Each one of you...." Taehyung yelled turning back forming fist with his hand forcefully  threatening that he would have killed them all.

"Let's go!" Tae said dragging jimin with his hand. Namjoon followed them immediately but not before pushing Mr min out of his way in anger.


"Call me as soon as you reach okay?" Hobi's mom said to him who was sitting in his car to finally go away after the wedding.

Hobi looked out to see jungkook standing near a wall lost in space without talking to anyone.

"Yes. I will bid adieu to jungkook."

"Go on, but be quick." Mrs Jung said.

"Hey..." Hobi said and jungkook immediately wiped his tears.

"H-... Hey. Call me I guess." Jungkook said not understand what to reply anymore.

"Yeah.... Yoongi wants to talk with you jungkook. I know he is the last person you want to see right now but go and meet him in the back library... For me." Hobi said giving a hug to the alpha and immediately turning back to leave.



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