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"Hi mate.... New roomie." Jungkook said looking at a cow who was taking a dump.

The alpha was scared for his life would be an understatement. He carefully went and searched for a place to sit but when he found none he just decided to sit on a sack of dry crop for now.

He sniffed for a weird smell in the air and it got more and more intense on his left side. When turned his head he was met with the back of the buffalo.... The alpha almost threw up but recovered soon taking out deodorant from his back and sprayed it after lifting up the tail of the buffalo.

"Aaah better." He said to himself after taking the smell of buffelo's back again. But once he turned around to look ahead all the tails were raised up to get sprayed.

The buffelo which he just had sprayed hit him with its tail which made him fall uncouncious right there.

It was next day.... Bright sun taking over all the darkness finally. The hen yelled for morning alarm in Village.

Jungkook slapped his chick when a mosquito bit him and put it in his mouth thinking it must be food.  But immediately spit it out at its weird taste.

The poor alpha was about to open his eyes but his splashed over with a bucket of water thrown by namjoon who was looking at him with anger like jungkook asked him his left kidney.

"I slept late at night.... It was stinging of smell."jungkook said getting up and keeping his head on namjoon's chest closing his eyes.

"Ohhh our baby alpha.... Do you want tae?"

"No capechino....."jungkook mumbled in his sleepy voice eyes still closed.

Namjoon pulled away the alpha by his front hair and throw him in fresh dung of cow making him fall over head. Which made almost half of his front body soak in dirty cow dung.

"Yo baby alpha... How does capechino taste?" Namjoon asked with smirk when jungkook looked back in shock.

"Yuk!" Jungkook said immediately throwing up to his side.

"Here take this and go! Clean the cow house by 10 minutes." Namjoon yelled throwing a broom near jungkook's face.

"E-... Excuse me mam." Jungkook said trying to take dung under cows leg but as soon as he touched her he got kick in his stomach and landed on his ass behind.

He got up taking up the bucket of dung going near corner where everything was getting stored but namjoon pushed one buffelo in his way towards him which made jungkook slip on dung below his leg and he fell.

"Dirty fellows!" Jungkook yelled in anger and the cow near him moo back at him.

He had to collect it all again, this time also namjoon tried to do same but the buffelo kicked him back. Which made him whimper in silence.

"Shitty smell man...." He said finally throwing last bucket of cow dung and sitting beside it clearly exhausted.

"Shit of overload...."he mumbled but his eyes turned wide as soccer when he saw the cow taking their morning dumb again over the place he just cleaned.

"Don't you want to shit whity?" He asked cow near him when everyone was done with their shit. The cow near him also finally took her shit with loud moo.

"Ohhh shit!" Jungkook yelled crying already while namjoon laughed historically at the condition of alpha.

Namjoon was doing every single thing to make jungkook's with hard. Like intensionally making him fall when he was bringing heavy dried crop over his head.

Showing goat jungkook's ass when he was bended over to mix powder in cows drinking water. Which made the goat kick his back resulting in him falling into said water.

"Hey nature mother... Please help me." Jungkook pleaded looking at sky and push his hand from behind through legs of bufello to take out milk and within two seconds got kick from it.

He tried to do it again but his fresh piss over his head instead of milk.


"Where is my tracter?" Jungkook asked to namjoon looking at two bulls standing in front of him with weird instrument attached to their neck which directly connected to his legs.

"Tracter!" Namjoon said giving one slap on bull to make it run over field.

"AAAAAAH! Stop! MOM!!!!" jungkook yelled as the Bulls were literally dragging him with them since his leg was attached to the instrument.

"Hyung hyung! Look at this foreign former.... He won't even last for one day." Namjoon said in excitement to taehyung who just come to watch his field with station master.

Taehyung just looked at jungkook getting dragged all over field and continued his conversion like nothing happened.


"Ahhh mummy...." Jungkook was whimpering in pain at night not even able to sit properly.

"Here take it! Eat!" Namjoon put a plate with rice and what seemed like red coloured soup over it. Jungkook gulped finally looking at some food after all that hard work.

He immediately took the plate mixing all the soup to rice and took the first bite without any thoughts.

"AAAAAAAH!"jungkook yelled throwing the plate away spitting out the food from his mouth. He tried to wipe it out by his hand which resulted in spice getting all over his face and eyes.

Turns out the red soup was nothing but red paper powder which had intense Spice That too added double the amount of rice.

"W-.... Water please! Water.... Give me damn water please!" He yelled unable to open his eyes anymore.

He heard water being poured on the ground somewhere when he followed the noise he saw namjoon pouring the only source of water he had in the water bottle in the ground. Jungkook crawled almost running there but the water was already given with an empty bottle.

He took the bottle regardless getting just a drop of water. That's when he saw jimin standing at the door of a cow house with tears in his eyes.

Jungkook immediately covered his face with a smile.

"H-....... Hey I was just having dinner."he said with a broken voice taking the plate back and eating like it's normal rice and most delicious food.

He got a cough due to intense spice but he ate it with a smile.



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