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"Where is jungkook?" Mr. Min asked when everyone was having dinner.

"Ohh just be busy on his phone." Mrs Jeon laughed it off but what she didn't noticed was how Mr min immediately washed yoongi's hands and made him to wait for jungkook.

"Tell him to go and flirt with jungkook." Mr Jung said to Mr min and Mr min laughed it off do hardly and throw all the rice room his mouth on Mr Jung face .

"The hell happened?" Mr Jung asked in anger.

"Not only flirt, he is ready to seduce him." Mr min said.


"Leeets seeee~~~~ who gggot theeee powwwerrr woooo~~~." Jungkook got in rooftop and saw jimin singing the song in weird voice while putting cloths to dry.

Jungkook hided to see what the omega actually trying to do with a smirk.

That's when jimin picked up jungkook's shirt and he looked at the shirt of alpha with eyes furrowed in anger and nose flaring.

"This jacket belong to that without beard and tail American koyla!" Jimin said to himself and jungkook looked behind to see if the tail is really absent.

"Hobiiiii! " Jimin mimicked the alpha's voice earlier when he hugged jimin screaming that name.

"Now I'll see you!" With that jimin throw the shirt on ground jumping on it angrily, stomping on it with his flipper.

Jungkook's mouth was wide open like he could feel the pain as if he is inside the shirt.

"Mocambo is pleased!" Jimin smirked to himself and put the shirt to dry.

"I hate your name!" Jimin said imagining jungkook in that shirt looking at him.

Jimin closed his eyes kissed him fist and kicked out to the shirt but when he opened his eyes the alpha was really there glaring at him with his both hands on his waist.

Jimin took back his hand with surrender and started to go down getting scared of the alpha now.

Jungkook was about to follow the omega but a voice stopped him.

"Kookieee~....." It was yoongi and jimin looked back with wiggling eyebrows and jungkook sighed as he clearly didn't wanted to bear with yoongi right now so he prayed jimin to help him out and hided.

"Did you see jungkook?" Yoongi asked to jimin who was standing there politely.

"No." Jimin shaked his head in no again... Politely.

"But he isn't there." Jimin said pointing behind yoongi... politely.

Yoongi looked back and jungkook was standing there. He had no choice but to greet the omega.

"Hii...." Jungkook come out with awkward smile.

"Hiii you nauty! So you are here?" Yoongi come near the alpha with sly smile.

"No....I am here." Jungkook said taking two steps back.

"Okay listen!" Yoongi said putting both his hands around jungkook's neck while jimin escaped from there laughing his ass off without voice.

"Don't make any plans for the evening. My friends are coming okay? " Yoongi said caressing jungkook's cheek and the alpha shivered.


"Jungkook, these all are my friends! Lisa, rose , Jennie, tzyu, Irene!"yoongi said pointing at everyone and jungkook just nodded in yes.

"There are my Snickers, these are my shorts which I wear at night, this is my t-shirt." Jackson whi was sitting beside jungkook introduced himself to everyone making then laugh.

"Shut up and get back!" Yoongi scolded the poor alpha.

Jimin got there with the tray of juices he was about to keep it in table but hobi took it before him.

"You keep working the entire day! Come and sit here." Hobi got up giving his sit up the omega. Jimin sir there with a shy smile.

Jungkook took one of the cookies from tray having bite of it.

"Wow." He said praising the taste.

"But I didn't make it." Yoongi said taking the cookies away.

"That's why he liked it." Jackson said coming forward taking one for himself and giving one to jungkook.

"Anyway! What was I talking about?" Yoongi asked to himself.

"Jungkook..... Jungkook.....!" Everyone yelled in unison.

"Jungkook's dad is among top 500 billionaires of America, a big mansion! 100 acres of area!" Yoongi continued with his hand around jungkook's neck and everyone just rolled their eyes as they weren't interested.

"You don't have less to see off yoongi." Hobi said and yoongi scoffed.

"Ofcourse! My dad's a billionaire too." Yoongi said shrugging his shoulder.

"Monsters come over for breakfast. Actors for lunch and builders for evening snacks." Yoongi said with a smirk.

"Does your dad run a mess?" Jackson asked making everyone laugh.

"Don't mess with me!" Yoongi warned before starting off with big smile again

"So jungkook's a billionaire and so am I! Infact we all are rich, we have everything. But what about you jimin?" Yoongi asked looking at the omega who was focused on little puppy in garden.

Jungkook also looked up at the omega and unknowingly a smile got on his lips.

"I'm rich too." Jimin said without looking at fuming omega.

"Really? What do you have?" Yoongi asked with scoff and everyone was suddenly interested in answer.

"We have small house in the Busan, 10 acre of land, 20 bulls,25 cows and 200 goats." Jimin said with polite smile.

"But I also have a brother, who love me more than his life." The images continues eyes lost in something beautiful. Jungkook smile widened more.

"And his love is more than any billion dollars for me." Jimin ended it with smile.

Jungkook was the first one who clapped followed by everyone.

"Minnie, let's go." Hobi said with satisfied smile as they were getting late for shopping.

"Yeah." Jimin got up.

"Bye~ jungkook." Hobi said to the alpha who was completely drooling at Omega beside him.

"Bye.... Jimin....." Jungkook mumbled looking at back of the omega.

"What are you looking at kookiee~?" Yoongi asked trying to turn jungkook's head.

"Don't know how, but everyday I see something new in jimin...." Jungkook mumbled.

"But why??"

"He is something........ something -something." Jungkook said but no-one understood what his doe eyes meant.


"Jimin had finished his studies now. Her him married this year." Jack's father asked to the alpha.

"I will if I find good alpha." Taehyung replied.

"Yes.... My son has done his graduation in agriculture. We've been getting proposals from affluent families.... But he want to marry your sister."The alpha said with a laugh.

Taehyung looked at the leader awkwardly as he came say no directly.

"Do you have any objection?" The leader asked him. Jack was listening to them from far.

"Jimin-..... I have to ask him...."

"Ohhh! You want to take his consent." The leader said with a fake laugh.

"And I will have to ask to sir too." Tae said again.

"Yeah right....."



I did a blunder again......

Jackson is jungkook's cousin from Korea, Jack is leaders son who want to marry jimin....

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