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Jungkook, it was my mistake! You can kiss me if you want. Forgive me. I am really sorry."jimin said again this time jungkook kept his hand on jimin back tears finding their way in his eyes as well.

"J-... Jimin...."jungkook broke the hug softly wiping tears of the omega.

"I-....I am also sorry... I should have known you weren't comfortable." Jungkook said hugging back the omega.
They were hugging like there was no tomorrow, eyes closed, lost in each other's world.

"Jungkook, I am very happy today."

"Me too." Jungkook said not letting the omega go.

Jimin opened his eyes slowly, meeting with hobi's wiggling eyebrows who was hugging jungkook from behind.

He let of jungkook with a hiss not hobi trapped his hands immediately.

"What were you two thinking? That I won't find out?" Hobi asked while jimin jungkook just looked down not thinking what to do.

"Please hobi."jimin begged the omega to let him go but hobi was in no mood of listening.

"While attachments for my marriage were on, you two were planning your own right? In just a few days, I will set your marriage also!'  hobi asked with smirk and jimin run away blushing red.

Jungkook took out phone acting like he got important call but hobi run behind him to twist his nipples.


"Give it." Namjoon said taking rest of the bags from taehyung.

"Hurry up."taehyung panicked when the announcement of the train leaving the next minute was done.

"So much luggage? As if your own brother is getting married?" The train master was totally surprised looking at 4 bags of luggage.

"I have a little brother not hobi dosent have a brother."taehyung said with polite smile clearly trying to feel that place for hobi.

"I see."

"Hey! You forgot this!" Jin come running towards the alpha with small bag.

"Look after the house and be careful." Taehyung said and right that moment Jin dropped phone in his hand. Taehyung just sighed picking up the phone from ground.

"Every time Jin!" Tae said frustrated.

God knows what relationship Jin has with being heard "be careful" and next second dropping whatever it is in his hands.

"God Jin be careful!" Namjoon said coming back from taehyung and Jin dropped it again. Taehyung looked back to namjoon with done expressions.


"What are you doing with so much anger?" Mr. Jung asked Mr min who was tapping on phone screen aggressively while biting his teeth.

"Deleting your number."Mr min replied.

"But why?"

"I won't attend this wedding!"


"Today the wedding will be over, tomorrow everyone will go back. Leaving me and my baby yoongi behind!"

"Ohhh this is the reason..... Sister." Mr Jung immediately called Mr Jeon who was talking with her friends.

"Yes brother, what is it?" Mrs jeon asked coming near the duo.

"Can you tell him what we were talking about yesterday?"

"What were we talking?"

"About jungkook and yoongi!" Mr Jeon reminded him.

"Oh yeah.... Mr min, we accept your proposal."Mrs jeon said politely now remembering the thing.

"But let this wedding get over. We will talk about it in detail."Mrs jeon continued with a smile.

With that she left and Mr Min gave his phone back to Mr Jung.

"Give back your number." He said with a shippy smile.


"What are you doing?" Yoongi yelled in anger going away when Jackson threw a flower over his head.

"Why do you keep taunting him?" Jungkook asked with snort.

"It's the last day to have fun anyway, once the wedding is over there is no chance to do this." Jackson said dancing more aggressively and that's when jungkook's smile disappeared.

It's the last day....

"What happened to you? Ohhh you are upset because you'll miss me in US right?" Jackson asked.



"What are you doing? Let go of my hand!" Jimin said good fourth time but his force didn't match to free his wrist from jungkook's strong grip, who was dragging him in the library behind the house.

"Jungkook, leave my hand. Someone might see us." Jimin said and jungkook finally let off the hand of omega.

"You are always joking-...."

"I am going back to the US tomorrow."jungkook said stopping the omega in his tracks.

"People say that boys who come from abroad are conmen, flirty and spoiled brats. No... I am not one of them jimin....i love you." Jungkook said wiping the tear dropped from jimin's eye.

The omega didn't say anything and hugged jungkook silencing his cries.

"As soon as I get to the US, I'll talk to dad about us and you brother too ."Jungkook said caressing the back of the omega to stop him from crying.

They both were lost in each other's embarrass and didn't noticed yoongi who was watching everything angrily.

But yoongi didn't noticed Mrs jeon was standing behind him breaking glass in her hand due to anger.

"Such omega's have habit of trapping rich alpha's mam.... We should teach that poor omega a lesson!" Mr min who was standing beside her said taking out broken glass from her hand.


When everyone was busy in wedding which was going to start in half hour jungkook was busy following jimin who was doing small works of hobi.

"Jungkook."Mrs jeon called the alpha and jimin run for his life immediately.

"What mom?" Jungkook asked.

"Come here."

"You will have to go to the jewellery shop right now." Mrs jeon said giving black card to jungkook.

"Now? Why?" Jungkook asked looking at direction jimin left.

"Hobi is like my own son to me....i wanted to gift him diamond ring on his wedding. But I forgot to bring it."

"But how am I going to choose?"

"Take Jackson along of your can't do it alone."


"Yes aunt is right, let's go or we'll miss the wedding." Jenson said dragging Muslim with him.


Jimin flinched when he saw Mrs jeon standing at door of kitchen. He saw taking coffee for hobi upstairs.

"Ma'am, would you like some tea?" Jimin asked politely.

"Yeah." Mrs jeon said and jimin started to prepare the tea but confused at cold tone.

"What's your age?" Mrs jeon asked.


"You look smarter for your age." Mrs jeon said and grandma started to drag every guest out of kitchen and living room.

Jimin could tell something is wrong already....

'Where is jungkook?' his subconscious asked but the alpha was looking gone.....


Something Something? Nothing! -JikookWhere stories live. Discover now