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"Jungkook..." Jimin called the alpha when he was going back in his room.

Jungkook turned around asking if jimin really called him and he nodded in yes. Jungkook come back with hoping his legs from this to that side.

Jimin hesitated for a second but extended his hand anyway.

"Friends?" He asked with small smile.

Jungkook almost accepted the handshake but took his hand back immediately.

"Only friends? Nothing else?" The alpha asked for confirmation or in hope jimin will say more. Jimin just sighed and was about to turn back but jungkook stopped him.

"Okay okay.... Friend!" The alpha extended his hand with that for handshake.


The next day they were playing games as the preparation for wedding was going on.

It was special game which jimin told they played in their Village. You have to put small 7 plastic donuts one on another. Then you have to stand on line 6-10 steps away from it according to your height. Then try to hit it with ball in three go. If you didn't in three it will be turn of next t team. And if you hit and stack fall down your team have to rearrange it while other team players hit you with ball. Ofcourse you will be out if you got hit with ball. (Don't know why I explained it, it's my fav game😭)

It was jimin's team turn and jimin was hitting the ball. As he was pro he hit the sack in first try. Jungkook was in opposite team so he took the ball immediately and started to hit jimin. He was skillfully avoiding to hit the omega for God knows what reason.

Hobi was confused as he knew jungkook is competitive alpha was there was no way he could miss a hit these many times. Yoongi was watching this all as jimin and jungkook running like they were in movie .

It was like all other players disappeared for them and it was just two of them running in slow motion. When the ball come in front of yoongi he took the ball and throw towards jimin with full force.

But jungkook pulled jimin towards him from getting hit and the fall gone in jimin's room hitting the window.

"Ohhh I am sorry I think I throw it strongly. I will bring it." Yoongi said with sweet smile and jungkook just nodded. He was about to throw hands at yoongi but jimin stopped him thinking it must be mistake.

But until then jimin's team already won the game.

Yoongi entered in room and took the ball but while going out he noticed the little horse in table and "PLEASE DON'T TOUCH!" written on note on front of it.

He smirked and throw the horse on ground shattering it into small pieces.

"It was fun!" Hobi complemented jimin's game and jimin just smiled sweetly.

"Did that horse belong to you jimin?" Yoongi asked coming towards them with ball.


"The ball knocked it over and it broke." He said playing with ball and jimin's smile disappeared immediately.

He run towards his room and jungkook who was coming with juice saw him going.

He couldn't help but cry picking up every piece of broken horse.

"It was always been with you right?" Hobi asked sitting with jimin and helping him to pick it up.

"My brother gave it to me. I love it more than my life. I never thought I had loose it some day." Jimin said trying hard to not sob.


It was 12 at night and jimin was staring at night sky filled with stars and moon. Sad pout clear in his face.

"Are you counting stars?" Jungkook asked coming from behind.

Jimin just sighed and gone back to take sit in chair.

"Tok tak! Tok tak! Tok tak!" Jimin heard voice and looked at jungkook only to see the horse back with all beautiful decoration in it.

(What taehyung gifted to jimin and broke earlier)

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(What taehyung gifted to jimin and broke earlier)

(What jungkook made out of it by joining pieces and decorating

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(What jungkook made out of it by joining pieces and decorating.)

Jimin was about to take it in hand with sweet smile in his face. But jungkook took it back.

"This is the same your brother gave to you, I went though lot trouble to put it back together." He said giving it back to omega who took it carefully and hugged it with tears in his eyes.

"It had too many marks on it just like on moon... I decorated it to cover it up." Jungkook said in low voice coming near jimin.

"It's nice." Jimin said with a nod.

"Thanks jungkook." The alpha said patting on his chest.

"Since you didn't thanked me, I thanked myself. Okay bye!" He said getting on his knees and immediately getting up to go.

Jimin extended his hand to call the alpha but got silent. Next second jungkook was back in front of his face.

"Did you called me?" He asked and jimin nodded.

"Why did you take so much trouble for me?" Jimin asked to the alpha.

"Do you want me to be honest?" Jungkook asked taking sit beside omega.


"To see this smile on your face." Jungkook said pointing at jimin's face.

"Is that all?" Jimin asked and jungkook nodded with raised eyebrows.

"Nothing else?"jimin asked again looking at alpha deeply.


"Not even something something?" Jimin asked with a bit hesitation.

"No!" The word left jungkook's mouth before he realise what he said.

"Huh? What?" Jungkook asked when he realised what the question was but jimin got up to run inside.

Jungkook immediately hold the wrist of omega but let it go when jimin turned back scared. Both looked down and jungkook was the first to look up again. He extended his hand again leaving it to jimin to take it or not.

The omega hesitated for a second but put his wrist back in hand of alpha anyway. Jungkook got up with small soft smile on his face looking at the omega.


Sorry for late....💜 anyone watching begins youth? Jeha and haru are so jikook coded😭

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