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Just when namjoon said that body of jungkook was thrown out of house in air almost like he was flying in air. Jungkook screamed in pain when his butt hit the ground.

"Namjoon! Pick his body up and throw it out of this village!" Taehyung yelled looking at the whimpering alpha on the ground.

Namjoon brought his bike within minutes putting the unconscious body of alpha on back finally taking him out of the village just like taehyung said.

"This is jimin's problem, not yours!" The station master said in a scolding voice to taehyung who was sitting on the main chair in anger.

"And throwing that alpha out of the village won't solve anything. A little omega can't tell about his feelings to his big alpha brother. Jimin would have told his mom about it, if she had been alive."The station master said going near the alpha but stopped when taehyung finally looked up and he saw tears in his eyes.

Jimin stood there with one hand on the wall near him watching what decision this will lead to.

"I have decided! Every time I look at him I miss my mother.i can never forget the day, when my dad humiliated my mom. She was so heartbroken that she died. The rich don't value relationships. I can tolerate whatever he is going through today. But I don't want him to face the same consequences my mom did." Taehyung said looking away wiping his tears fastly.


The station master stopped when jungkook suddenly came on through the open main door of the house to pick up his bag which was lying on the ground.

Jimin's breath hitched as he took a few steps back in fear of alpha. Taehyung immediately took a knife from the table but the station master stopped him.

"T-.... Taehyung, he has come here to take his bag." The station master said controlling the alpha.

"No sir.... I am here for jimin."jungkook said and jimin's eyes widened in shock.

Taehyung slapped away the hand of the station master going to kill the alpha for real this time.

"Taehyung! Taehyung stop-...." The station master started running behind him.

Taehyung raised his arm charged with a knife to slice open jungkook's neck but stopped when Jungkook fell on his knees with head down to take the blow.

"Please.... Don't separate me and jimin. I love him more than you do. I left my parents and everything else for him. Tell me, what shall I do to prove my love?" Jungkook asked desperately.

"Tell him to leave." Taehyung said to the station master turing around to leave already.

"A person on death row also gets a last wish. Won't you give me one chance?"jungkook asked going in front of alpha again.

"Didn't you understand what I fucking said?"taehyung yelled after taking a deep breath and was about to slap jungkook but the station master came and stopped him on time.

Jimin also come forward to stop the fight but he couldn't do anything in fear of taehyung.

"What's making you so angry taehyung? If jimin reminds you of your mom, then he reminds me of you in your childhood. Even if you had begged for a chance back then. Have you forgotten everything? Without that one chance you wouldn't have made it this far. You can't have different rules for yourself and others. Like a fair alpha, you should give him a chance." The station master said and taehyung's anger finally calmed down.

He went near jimin who was on the verge of breakdown the next second.

"Jimin.... Do you want to choose your own partner or can I have a say in it?" Taehyung asked.

"You should also agree for it hyung."jimin said with tears.

"Sir, how do I assure you of my love?"jungkook said going near the brother duo.

"So you can do anything?"taehyung asked turing around to face the alpha.

"Yes sir."

"You will have to do farming."taehyung said making Jimin gasp.

"I will give you one acre of land. You'll have to grow as much as the crop I do. You will have to wash the cows. Clean their dung. Would you be able to do that?" Taehyung asked each question taking step forward and jungkook was going back in fear.

"How would he do that?"The station master asked with a groan.

"He will have to. Leaving one's parents is not a big deal. He will have to toil in the field like a farmer. The farmer, whom his mom humiliated that day. Only then can he marry omega from this family." Taehyung said going near jimin and standing beside him.

Jungkook's eyes met jimin's and jimin shakes his head in no but Jungkook shakes back saying he doesn't have any choice with a pout.

"I am ready sir,I will do everything you say and grow more crops than you."jungkook said with a determined voice.

"Wait.... What are you saying you idiot?" The station master asked pulling jungkook's shoulder towards him.

"Then only he will realise that I love jimin more than him!" Jungkook said pointing his index finger to taehyung who just scoffed.

"You stupid! It's not as easy as installing an app! I need actual hard work in the field."The station master whispered but looking at the smirk in tae's face he heard it.

"Falling in love is easy sir, but I will with hard to prove my love and I am ready for it." Jungkook said to taehyung starting right into his eyes.

But they were unaware that jack was listening to their conversation from window.

"And if you loose you will forget my brother, and leave our lives forever." Taehyung said glaring at the alpha like he will burn him alive.

"Namjoon!" Taehyung yelled and he come running inside. He was already scared that tae might yell at him for not watching jungkook out.

With that jungkook's bag was thrown in backside cottage where cow were kept.



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