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Jimin quickly picked up the coffee tray which he was going to serve outside and ran away from the kitchen.


In the running he didn't see Jackson coming from front and spill all the tea over his head. Jimin looked ahead at the alpha in fear.

"The sugar is low." Jackson said licking his own lips and took some sugar from tray putting it on his head. Then he licked it again.


With that jackson got away and jimin just smiled at the alpha.


"Let's go!" Mr min said getting out of the car with their omega. They were here for the wedding with their wife and omega son min yoongi.

"Welcome!" Mr Jung greeted them with a hug while Mrs Jung hugged yoongi.

"How are you dear?" Mrs Jung asked.

"I am fine aunt." Yoongi said with a soft smile.

"He is my partner in the corruption business." Mr Jung introduced them to everyone.

Mr Min ticked Mr Jung and Mr Jung understood what he wanted to hear and continues his introduction.

"He was also minister for 4 years." He added.

"Oh you always mention that." Mr min laughed it off like he wasn't one who wanted to say it.

"She is my sister from America." Mr Jung said and Mr Min's eyes lighted up he looked at yoongi and yoongi immediately bowed down to greet at 90 degree.

"Is she with the son?" Mr min whispered in Mr Jung ear and he nodded in yes.

"You promised that get alpha and my omega-...." Mr min said eyes rolling on yoongi's direction.

"Ofcourse wait for right moment and I will do it."Mr Jung said with smile.

"Then introduce me to him!" Mr min said with pout.

"Let's go inside first." Mr Jung said with an awkward smile.


Jimin was busy with hobi looking at all the preparations when someone tapped on his back.

When he looked back he saw jungkook drinking three straws from three glasses. He just rolled his eyes.

"There was news from the kitchen that you called me monkey?" Jungkook asked while dancing to music.

"No! American money." Jimin said with a sweet smile.

"Wow!" Jungkook yelled and almost jumped on the omega.

"My mistake! I should have called you gorilla!" Jimin said with a sarcastic smile.

Jungkook almost jumped like he was going to hug jimin but he turned around at last second and hugged hobi who was standing just behind jimin.

Jimin got up and walked away from there.

"There he is!" Mr Jung entered with Mr min to meet jungkook.

"Hey! I am yoongi." Yoongi said coming in front of dancing jungkook and jungkook took his hands on his own and started to do weird dance with the omega quickly.

Which made jungkook fall in a pool near them along with the omega when his leg slipped.


"Everyone wants to hug me here dad. I am feeling so loved." Jungkook was talking with his dad after shower only towel on his waist.

"Okay dad gotta go, will talk you later."jungkook cut the call with kiss and throw his towel on bed.

At the right moment jimin entered in the room but turned around with closed eyes when he saw jungkook's thing.

"What are you doing in my room?" Jungkook yelled frustrated.

"This is my room! Get out!" Jimin yelled still turned around that's when jungkook looked around and realised the omega was right.

"Sorry for my mistake. You-..... You didn't see anything right?"jungkook asked with gulp.

"No I -.... Just get out!" Jimin yelled in frustration when he was about to turn around.

"Nice horse." Jungkook said on his way out to the little clay horse on the table.

"Don't touch that!"jimin yelled.

Jungkook turned back with a smirk and took the horse. Jimin ran behind him back when he realised what jungkook did. But the speed of alpha was of no match to omega.

Jungkook was jumping from bed to balcony to bathroom. Jimin was chasing him but there was no use.

Finally he gave up sitting in front of the alpha with sad face.

"My brother gifted me that..... Please!" Jimin said extending his hands in request.

"Did your brother gifted you this?" Jungkook asked and jimin nodded coming near to the alpha.

Jungkook was about to give but purposefully dropped the toy making jimin yelp in fear. He closed his eyes putting hands on his ear.

"TK TK TK TK ....." The voice made him open his eyes to see jungkook had saved the horse on time.

Jimin took the horse back in anger.

"Get out from here right now!" The omega yelled.

Jimin was about to close the door but jungkook stopped it putting both of his hands on door frame.

"I have a doubt!" Jungkook said.


"I troubled you so much... Any other omega would have slapped me by now. But you didn't! Does that mean.....?"

"What?"the omega asked confused.

"Something-something?"jungkook asked wiggling his eyes and pointing finger at jimin's heart.


"Somethinggg somethingggg!"

"Nothing!" Jimin said in anger and closed the door.

Jungkook got back with a laugh but his face fell when he realised the towel got stuck in the door handle and there was no way to take it back unless jimin open the door. Which was never gonna happen.

Jungkook covered his thing with pillow and run for his life but bumped in Jackson. Who was also wearing towel apparently with music headphones.

"Jungkook you are nude!" Jackson yelled but screamed when jungkook literally turn him around and tied the towel around his own waist.

"Well now you are nude." Jungkook yelled running for his dear life.

Jackson turned around and grandma saw him who was going for a walk. The look of jackson made poor granny faint on her place.

"Wow..... I didn't knew I have this effect on omega." Jackson said to himself proud of his thing.


Love contract will get updated tomorrow I am stuck at some part.

Something Something? Nothing! -JikookWhere stories live. Discover now