Chapter 1

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It was an average morning for Ash,Serena,Clemont and Bonnie,they would wake up,dismantle their tents,have breakfast,do some light exercise and they would bring out the map and plan their next route."The path ahead leads to a mountain." Clemont said as he pointed at the the large brown area that was on the map."Then it would take us at least a day to go through it." Ash said."But here's the kicker." the blonde inventor said." The mountain has two paths through it.""There's a path that goes around the mountain that's risky but it's the shortest way through,or we could go through the cave,it'll be safer but it'll take us much longer to trek through.""How about we split up?" Serena suggested.""That way if one of us reach the other side of the mountain,we could set up camp and wait for the other group to get across.""That's a good idea Serena." Clemont said.""Me and Bonnie would be in one group while you and Ash would be in the other.""Me and Serena could take the mountain path while you and Bonnie can go through the cave." Ash suggested.""It'll be much safer for Bonnie.""I appreciate your concerns Ash but no one is forcing you to take the more dangerous path." Clemont said with a worried voice."We'll be fine,right Serena?" Ash said."Right." she said and nodded in agreement."Then that settles it then." Clemont said.""Once we reach the mountain we'll go our separate ways and meet up at the other side of the mountain."Got it!"everyone said in unison as they finished up packing the last of their belongings before heading out on their journey again.The walk to the mountain was a rather strange had been stopped by many other travelers,warning them that they should turn back and find another said there have been reports of strange occurrences at the mountain,fog suddenly appearing,weird noises from the forest below,and travelers getting into freak accidents that injured them."The fog can be explained." Clemont said."Fog is created when warm moist air passes over a cool surface,when make contact the water vapor condenses,thus creating fog.""That doesn't explain the creepy noises in the forest!" Bonnie said with her face as pale as a Snover."Probably just a Ghost-type Pokemon playing pranks." the blonde inventor said."I'm sure the freak accidents are all just coincidences.""Anyway we should remain vigilant while we are here." Ash said."It's creepy stories like these that keeps me awake at night!" Serena said,her face pale,her hands shaking uncontrollably."Don't worry Serena,I'll make sure nothing bad happens to you." the raven haired trainer the honey blonde girl."Thanks Ash." she said,hiding away the blush she suddenly had."This is where we split up." Clemont said to the group as they were standing at an intersection,one leads uphill towards the cliff side while the other leads to a cave."We'll see you at other side." Ash said,waving at the blonde siblings."Stay safe everyone!" Bonnie said as the group split into two and went their separate ways.It was around late afternoon when Ash and Serena finally arrived at the mountainside path,it was a rather dangerous path as walkway was only small for them to walk on,they were no safety fences at the edge,so there's nothing saving them if they fall into the forest below."I...I'm not so sure about this Ash..." Serena said nervously as she looked on at the path ahead."It'll be fine Serena,just don't look down and you won't be nervous." Ash said."Alright..." she said nervously,trying to calm herself down.The two then began walking step by step across the path,with Ash leading and Serena that his Ash will protect her no matter what placed her nervous heart at ease."Jeez,how big is this mountain!"Jessie complained as she was climbing up the mountain."If only we had our Team Rocket balloon right now." James said in exhaustion."Well if you hadn't burn it to the ground,we would still have it!" Jessie yelled."It's not my fault that YOU were the one that didn't packed a burner so the only way too cook out canned food was with the Team Rocket balloon!" he yelled back in defense."How did these two bozos even passed the Academy with their stupidity?" Meowth said to himself as the two continued to argue while climbing up the mountain."Everything okay back there Serena?" Ash said as he stopped to see if the honey blonde trainer was managing."I'm alright Ash." she replied.There was something about Ash that always made her feel... felt like whenever Ash is around,she could overcome any would always remember the phrase Ash said to him when they met:"Don't give up till its-"."Serena!" Ash yelled.Serena snapped back into reality just in time to realized that she had stepped on a broken rock,thus breaking when she stepped on it.Ash ran as fast as he could to grab Serena's arm,but it was too he could do was hear her scream as she fell into the forest below."SERENA!" he yelled."Did you hear that?" James asked."I heard it it too." Jessie replied. "It sounded like a scream or some sort.""Probably just one those Ghost Pokemons playing tricks on us." Meowth said."Wait what's that?" James said as he pointed at something that was falling towards look like someone,a girl from the looks of it,has a pink a minute,all those fit a description of certain someone."It's one of the Twerpettes!" they all yelled as she fell straight into Meowth,causing him to lose his balance,causing him to fall off the mountain."Meowth!" James screamed as he tried to reach out to grab his paws but he was too could only hear the screams of the both of them for a few seconds as they fell into the forest below,and then a long dead silence.

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