Chapter 10

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The quiet, peaceful atmosphere of the camp was gone as multiple jeeps and trucks drove in. The men, the so called "KSATTF", dressed in black military uniforms accompanied with Houndooms and Mightyenas had turned the place into their command post. The place was now filled with the sounds of loud chatter.

Ash had many questions, but was not given the chance to ask them.

Lieutenant Mike "StoneKeeper" Anderson, the tall, clean shaved haired man who wore a black beret and visors had told the group the situation. It was hard processing all the information that was dumped onto them. An extremist group, Malamar, the Officer Jenny that helped them stop Malamar now turned Captain has been captured.

Mike was standing at a table with the group in front of him, on the table laid a bunch of maps and images of camp.

"So, are you clear with the situation?" Mike asked.

"I have a question." Ash said.


"How exactly did you find us in the middle of the forest anyway?" Ash asked. "You couldn't have found us by yourselves."

"No, we couldn't." Mike said. "That's why we had help with your friend over there." he pointed at Pancham who was sitting quietly on the grass playing with a stick.

"Pan Pancham?"

"The person who freed you was one of our men, a mole."

"A.... mole?" Bonnie wondered.

"It means someone who is pretending to be working for a group but in truth is not." Clemont explained.

"Correct, our mole had placed a tracker on him that lead us directly to you." Mike said, walking over to Pancham.

"And if I'm right, the tracker should be right...... here." he said as he removed a small chip that was planted on Pancham's glasses.

"Wow! Science is amazing as always!" Ash said.

"Hmm..... This Pancham belong to anyone you know?" Mike asked.

"It belongs to a friend of ours, she also has a Braixen, who's.... not doing so well." Ash said. Looking at tent where Braixen was.

"Don't worry, I'll call in a medivac and have the Pokemon transported to the nearest Pokemon Centre in Anistar City." Mike said.


"So where is this friend of yours? I don't see her anywhere."

"She uh... got separated from us when we trekking those cliffs over there, we haven't seen her since then. I fear she might be missing."

"I'm not so sure about that." Mike said.

"What makes you say that?" Clemont asked.

"If her Pokemon were captured, I fear she might have been captured by the extremist group as well."

"WHAT?!?!" Ash, Clemont and Bonnie screamed. It made them even more worried knowing Serena might have been captured by a group of dangerous people.

"Guess that gives you more reasons to help us stop them." Mike said. "So, would you all help us?"

"Of course we would!" Ash said. "Our friend is in trouble and we got to save her!"

"Oh count us out!" Jessie objected. "That Malamar has been nothing but trouble."

"Yeah! So if you excuse us, we'll be taking our leave and find Meowth on our own." James said.

"Just where do you think you're going, Team Rocket?" Mike said.

Jessie and James froze when they heard him mention Team Rocket.

"How did you-"

"You didn't think we haven't been observing on your activities ever since you entered Kalos?" Mike said. "You've been causing a lot of trouble during your "stay" here. Causing the Garchomp incident in Lumiose City, breaking into Professor Sycamore's lab, three times, causing a blackout, and the list goes on." "So, if you don't want to be thrown into the slammers for all the crimes you've committed, I suggest you help us." Mike said in an intimidating tone.

The two of them stood there thinking about for a good minute before James finally spoke up.

"Hmph, fine. We'll help."

"Good. Now let's go over the plan of attack." Mike said as Team Rocket walked back to the table to discuss their plan to assault the camp.


Malamar sat quietly on its throne, pondering, nervous, his concerns were about that boy, always getting in the way of the plan. He must be taken care of, or if possible, control him.

A monitor next to him flickered to life, someone was calling, it must be Him.

Malamar pushed a button on the monitor and revealed a man, concealed in the shadows but had notable things. He was tall, had orange hair and was wearing a coat.

"Report." the man said.

"Mala Malamar mala mala mala."

"Plans are proceeding as scheduled, construction is almost complete." Meowth said, translating for Malamar's.

"And the boy?"

"Ma Malamar."

"Still at large, he's still out there."

"Sooner or later he's going to discover this place and compromise the entire operation, if that happens, we cannot leave anything behind, make sure "Alpha Protocol" is followed as instructed." the man said.


"Yes Master Lysandre."

"Good, I expect construction to be completed by the of the week, out."

The screen faded to black as Malamar got up and went towards the hooded person that was standing at the side of the throne.

"Malamar Malamar."

"I have new orders for you."

"WHAT IS IT THAT YOU WISH MASTER." the person said.

"Mala mala malamar, mala Malamar mala

"Initiate Phase 1 of the "Alpha Protocol", plant bombs on the construction and around the camp, we cannot risk anything to be found if we are compromised."


"Mala, Malamar mala Malamar."

"Also, if that boy comes, you know what to do, Madame Y."

"OF COURSE MASTER." Serena said.

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