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A flash of light entered Ash's eyes, the light blinding him for a few seconds as his eyes took awhile to adjust. He found himself laying in a bed, a heart monitor next to him, beeping with the pace of his heartbeat.

His ears then picked up on something he wasn't expecting. Music. It sounded like it was coming from a nearby radio. It was a person singing, he couldn't pick up what he was saying, all he heard was something about "the man who sold the world".

Ash tried moving his arms to push himself up, it felt stiff. As if he hadn't move for quite a long time. He then remembered what happened, he had saved Serena from whatever that was controlling her, and soon after that he blacked out. He sat up and took a look at his surroundings, there was no one else in the room. Outside his room window was nothing but pitch darkness, indicating that it was night. To the left of his bed was his hat and Pikachu, sleeping soundly next to its trainers hat. Ash was relived to see his partner alright and with him.

Ash then noticed that he was shirtless, and wrapped in bandages. Although he wasn't feeling any pain or discomfort sustained from his injuries, he didn't want to think about it.

Suddenly, he heard a door opened nearby. He turned his head around and saw Nurse Joy, pushing a tray of medical equipment into the room and saw Ash up and awake.

"Oh, you're awake!" Nurse Joy exclaimed.

It was then Ash realise where he was. But just to make sure, Ash decided to ask anyway.

"Where am I...?" Ash asked.

"You're in a Pokemon Centre, you arrived here by helicopter. You were in a pretty bad condition when you were brought in. Thank goodness you're alright!" Nurse Joy said, smiling in relief at the raven haired trainer's wellbeing.

Pikachu heard the commotion that was going on and was awoken. When the electric rodent saw its trainer had woken up as well, it happily leapt onto Ash with happiness.

"Hey there buddy! You missed me?"

"Pika Pi!" Pikachu exclaimed.

"I'm just glad you're alright!" Ash said, gently stroking Pikachu's head.

After that, Nurse Joy did a quick medical check-up on Ash. Testing his blood pressure and changing bandages were one of the many procedures Ash went through.

After everything had checked out, Ash wore back his usual traveling outfit and put his hat back on. He double-checked his bag to make sure everything was still there. Pokedex, his Pokemons Pokeballs, his camping equipment. Everything were still where he had left it.

Ash checked the time using his Pokedex, 2:33 AM. It was pretty late at night right now.

Just then, the door to his room opened. And three people entered, Mike, a tall looking man who wore a peaked cap and had a three star insignia on his shoulder and...

"Wait, aren't you that Officer Jenny that helped us with that incident at Hope Tower?!" Ash remarked.

"That's Cap... Ah forget it..." Jenny said.

Nurse Joy decided to leave them be as she left the room to finally call it a day.

"How are you doing kid?" Mike asked.

"Feeling a little bit better, the wound still hurts though."

"Electrical burns would usually take up to a few days minimum to heal." The man in peaked cap said with a thick accent.

"I'm sorry, but I didn't catch your name." Ash said.

"Oh, my apologies. I'm Général de division Alexander Miller, leader of the KSATTF."

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