Chapter 6

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All was quiet at the camp, Ash was still wide awake, unable to sleep no matter how hard he tried. His mind kept thinking of Serena, he hoped Serena was okay.Ash decided to get up from his tent to get some fresh air. That would possibly take his mind off Serena. The night was quiet, he could only hear the sounds of Hoothoots in the distance. Opposite of Ash was Team Rocket's tent, although he felt uncomfortable camping in the same place as them, fearing that they would steal Pikachu in the middle of the night. It was the only choice the group had if they wanted to find Serena."Wherever you are Serena, I hope you're safe." Ash whispered quietly as he looked up at the night sky, seeing millions of stars that lit up the night sky like a Christmas tree.It was then when Ash saw a shooting star flash across the sky, he remembered wishing upon it when they were traveling with Diancie to find Xerneas. Ash quickly clenched his hands and closed his eyes as tight as he could."I wish Serena will be alright and that we will find her soon." Ash said to himself.Unaware to Ash was that someone was watching him to whole time from her tent. Bonnie always knew that Serena had feelings for Ash, but she didn't know that Ash actually had feelings for her as well."It's a match made in heaven." Bonnie thought as she let out a yawn and decided to go back to sleep.Darkness filled the empty void, it was like being in a endless dark hallway, with no end in sight. Serena was walking aimlessly, only the echoes of her footstep accompanied her."Where am I?" Serena said."Hello? Meowth are you there?" She shouted, and the silence being her reply.Suddenly she saw something in the distance, a person by the looks of it."Excuse me, could you tell me where am-" Serena suddenly realized who the person was, it was Ash."Ash!" she shouted in excitement as she quickly ran towards him and hugged him."What are you doing here." Ash said with a cold tone in his voice."I don't know! I suddenly ended up here. I'm just glad to see you!" Serena said, still holding on to Ash."Get off me!" Ash yelled as he pushed Serena off him."Wha... what's wrong with you Ash?!" she said."What's wrong with me?! It's because of you! Why must you always look for me when you're in trouble?" Ash said, angrier than ever."Be...because I love you!" Serena said, tears starting to fall from her eyes."Love? Hah! Don't make me laugh. Truth is, I don't even consider you a friend. You're nothing but a weak and pathetic fool!" Ash said as he slowly walked into the dark void."Ash... wait... please!" Serena yelled, trying to reach out towards Ash but ended up breaking down into tears at what he just said to her.Little did she know that this was all just an illusion. She was still inside the cave with Meowth, but they weren't the only ones there. A Gengar was beside Serena, using Dream Eater on her to cause the nightmares. And behind was a tall figure overlooking the entire thing."Ma ma malamar!"

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