Chapter 11

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Lights from screens and monitors flickered in the dark, circular room. At least two dozen men and women working tirelessly typing on keyboards and handing paperwork to another person. In front of the main large screen was a tall, orange haired man who wears a coat.

Lysandre stared at the data that was being displayed on the screen, he stroked his hair to realize it hadn't been combed for days. How long has he been awake, almost 3 days? He knew it was unhealthy for his body but the work that needed to be done for his ultimate goal was massive.

Everything was almost in place, the Ultimate Weapon was almost reconstructed, it was just only a matter of time.

"What's wrong boss? You look like you seen a ghost." Alain, a trainer he had employed. He entrusted him a Mega Ring and a Charizardite X for him to use so he could collect data.

"It's... nothing, I'm fine." Lysandre said.

The black haired trainer stared at him in suspicion but thought nothing of it.

"I found another Mega Stone south of Kalos, I'm heading there now." Alain said.

"I wish you safe travels Alain." Lysandre said.

"Thank you sir."

Alain walked towards the door at the back of the room and exiting, leaving Lysandre alone with his thoughts again.

When will he tell him about his true goals? How would he take it all in? These thoughts came into his head but he quickly dismissed it as he still had an operation to oversee.

Operation ARCADIA, it's goal is to reverse engineer another Ultimate Weapon in the event that the one under Geosenge Town would not work. It would use the Megalith that was acquired back in Hoenn as its energy source.

In theory, it would have the same effects with the weapon that was fired by King AZ 3000 years ago. But to be honest, he had doubts on what might happen.

"Sir! I'm detecting heat signatures approaching the perimeter of Camp Omega! Estimate about two dozen!" a man behind his desk said.

Camp Omega, the codename that was given to the camp that was constructing weapon, these "uninvited guests" we're probably the authorities, they are getting suspicious.

"Alert the camp! Tell them they have intruders coming their way! Tell them to go to Phase 2 of the Alpha Protocol!" Lysandre yelled.

"Yes sir!"

"Let's hope this doesn't all go to hell..." Lysandre said to himself, watching as red alert lights flashed across the monitor.


Mike walked quietly through the bushes with his Manectric following behind. He took a good look at the camp that was below him before making a counterclockwise circle with his finger. The "follow me" signal.

About 10 men appeared behind him with their Pokemons as well, behind them were Ash and Clemont.

Mike had ordered Bonnie to stay behind at the camp, for this was a too dangerous operation for a little kid to be in.

Although she objected at first, she eventually understood the dangers and agreed to stay behind.

"Do we have eyes in the sky?" Mike asked Clemont.

"Yes, my invention is operational." the blonde inventor said.

Clemont's "Camera To Be Put On Flying Pokemon For Aerial Reconnaissance" was strapped onto a Staraptor that belong to one of the soldiers. That needed to know what they were dealing with before attacking the camp.

Clemont turned on a computer that he was holding and the monitor flickered to life with a live feed from the Staraptor.

"The camp you looks packed, zoom in on the place." Mike said.

"Zooming in."

The camera zoomed in closer in the camp, they saw a bunch of people, running around the camp, as if they were in a hurry.

"Why are they all in a hurry?" Ash asked.

"You think they are expecting us?" Clemont asked.

"Unlikely." Mike said. "We're not sloppy when it come to-"


The three of them looked up in the sky and they saw a barrage of Hyper Beams heading straight for them. Mike pushed Clemont out of the way but couldn't push Ash out as well, leaving Ash in the middle of it. Ash closed his eyes and braced for impact, it wasn't going to be pretty he thought.

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