Chapter 7

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Time, it felt like something non existent at the moment. Serena had been in the cell for quite awhile now. her guidebook, it was 9:00 am the next day already. It had only been a few hours but it felt like she had been locked here for years. She couldn't even get some sleep with the noise from outside. Footsteps, something being moved, and construction noises.With all the time in the world, all Serena could do was ponder. That dream she had about Ash, even though it was just a dream, she can't help but wonder wether it could happen. That's the worst case scenario for her relationship with Ash, but deep down she knows that would never happen."Hello? Is there anyone over there?"Serena jumped at the sudden voice and lost her footing and falling onto the floor, creating a loud thud."You alright there? Sorry, I'm not really good with greeting someone when they don't know where I am." the voice said, female from the sound of it.Serena felt like she has heard that voice somewhere before, but she couldn't put her finger on it."Who are you?" Serena said as she walked closer to the wall where the voice came from."Wait, I know your voice... Is your name Serena?"Serena froze in place when the voice mentioned her name."Ho... How do you know my name?!" Serena nervously asked."Cause we have met before, you, Ash, Clemont and Bonnie helped me with the Malamar incidents."Suddenly it all started caning together. Serena finally know who's voice was that."Officer Jenny?!" Serena said."Well, I'm now a Captain now. So I should be called Captain Jenny.""Captain?" Serena asked."It's a really long story." Jenny said."Well, it's not like I have anything to do right now, so go ahead then.""Alright then. After our last meeting with Malamar things went chaotic with my superiors. Pokemon were planning to destroy the world, and they were going to strike again. I was called back to HQ to meet with the brass. They said with the threat of world annihilation imminent, they needed to take action immediately. And thus, the Kalos Special Anti-Terror Task Force was created, or KSATTF for short. It's mission: To stop anything that would put Kalos in danger. I was chosen to lead this task force, and with that I was also given a promotion to Captain. And that's how I became Captain.""Okay, but that doesn't explain why you're here." Serena said."Intelligence informed me about suspicious trucks driving towards the camp, I followed them and it lead me to this camp and scouted the area. It turns out this is a camp run by none other than Malamar himself."Serena's blood went cold with the mention of Malamar, but it's made even worse that the evil Pokemon is in this camp right now."It seems he has made himself a pretty large extremist group, wether it was through mind control or propaganda." Jenny said."So how did you get locked in here?" Serena asked."I got captured by his minions and now I'm here."It took Serena awhile to process all the information that was just dumped on her. Malamar? Leader of an entire group of people? Extremist group? This made her both impressed and scared at the same time."So what do we do now?" Serena said."I don't know... But we got to get out of here, find somewhere safe and call for back-"Jenny was interrupted by the sounds of a gate opening and footsteps. Two men, dressed in black overalls and wearing balaclavas entered the cells and walked towards Serena's cell"You, our leader wants to see you." one of the men said."Me? What for?" Serena asked."I didn't give you permission to ask! Come with us or we drag you there!"Serena was hesitant but she had no other choice but to comply with the man's orders and follow them to see their "leader".Jenny sat there as the sounds of the their footsteps disappeared and the sounds of water dripping in the cave cells."I got to get help." Jenny said as she removed her boots to reveal a small electronic device that turned out to be a radio."Any luck Clemont?" Ash asked as he looked across the ridge with a pair of binoculars borrowed from Team Rocket."Thermal imaging shows nothing." Clemont said who was using a mini computer and a remote radar drone that he had invented to find Serena and Meowth."Come on, where are you Serena?" Ash said to himself. As the hour go by, his confidence of finding them started to deteriorate. What if he never found her? What would she think of that? No, he couldn't give up. That is not the Ash Ketchum she knows."I got something! Two heat signatures detected!" Clemont exclaimed."Where is it?!" Ash said."Coming right at us to our right!"Ash and Clemont turned to their right as they suddenly heard bushes rustling and the two figures walked out of the bush."Braixen?! Pancham?!"

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