Chapter 9

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"How are they holding up?" Ash asked as he saw Clemont exiting from the tent."Pancham got lucky, he only has a few scratches and bruises. He's also suffering from dehydration which has been taken care of." Clemont said. Showing Ash an empty water bottle."Braixen?"Clemont stared down at the floor and let out a sigh with the mention of Braixen, which wasn't a good thing and Ash braced himself for he was about to say."I won't sugarcoat it. Braixen is in critical condition, she has a broken arm, some burns that look like it came from a Psychic attack, multiple cuts and bruises all over the body and she's also suffering from a extreme case of fatigue."Ash found all of that hard to swallow, he had seen injured Pokemon throughout his journey but this was something he had never seen before. Imagine all the pain Braixen was going through right now."Poor Braixen..." Ash whispered to himself which Clemont heard but said nothing about it."And what about Frogadier?" Ash finally said. "Is he still in there?""Yeah. He's keeping an eye on Braixen for me." Clemont replied."I see." Ash said. Frogadier had came out of his Pokeball on his own accord when they were back at camp. He had helped Clemont carefully place Braixen on the bed to be examined."Frogadier sure cares a lot about Braixen." Clemont said."Yeah, Professor Oak always told me that the feelings of a trainer's Pokemon reflect what their trainers are..." Ash slowly cut off from finishing his sentence and let out a huge blush that made his entire face red. Is that how he really felt for Serena?Clemont noticed Ash's odd behavior, he knew what Ash was saying but he decided not to further question Ash about it. Not until he actually knows what Ash is thinking he could make the conclusion."Could I go inside and see Pancham?" Ash asked."Sure, but why do you want to do that?" Clemont replied."I need to ask him what happened, we need to know how did they get all these injuries and if they know where Serena is."Clemont, suddenly having an idea flashed his glasses and let out a giggle."Worry not Ash, because the future is now thanks to science! Clemontic Gear on!" Clemont said as he revealed a small television screen with a what appears to be a hat connected to the television."Now upgraded and improved I introduce you to the Pokemon Translator Mark 3!"Ash's eyes glimmer in excitement at the new and improved invention."Unlike the previous modal, I've improved the visual quality when viewing a Pokemon's memories and also search deeper into the Pokemon's brain which will reveal more than before." Clemont said, referring back when it was last used on what was then Ash's Goomy now evolved into a Goodra and released back into its home in the wetlands."Science is so amazing!" Ash exclaimed."Now, would you kindly get Pancham so we can examine his memories." Clemont said.Ash nodded as he walked past Clemont to enter the tent. Inside the tent was a rather unpleasant sight.On the bed was Braixen, covered head to toe in bandages. Her right arm was wrapped in an arm cast, the broken arm. The smell of Oran Berries entered Ash's nose, he had always heard of trainers using this method to heal injured Pokemon when they don't have Potions, this was the first time he saw it being put to use.Next to the unconscious Braixen was Frogadier, keeping a close eye on Braixen. His worried expression and his hands holding onto Braixen's wasn't making the atmosphere in the tent any better.Ash walked towards Braixen to check on her which was noticed by Frogadier as he nodded of his trainer's presence."You're worried about her?" Ash asked."Froga." Frogadier said quietly, almost like a whisper."Don't worry, we'll find Serena and whoever that did this." Ash said."Frogadier!" he said.Ash noticed the fire in Frogadier's eyes, he wanted to whoever that made Braixen suffer to pay. He felt the same way as well, he wanted, no, he needed to protect Serena no matter what. It felt like it was his duty.Ash stared blankly at Braixen for a few more seconds before heading towards the other side of the tent, where Pancham was just lying down on a sleeping bag, gazing into the space with his thoughts."Pancham?" Ash whispered.Pancham's thoughts were interrupted and was token by surprise at the sudden voice. He got up on his feet with his arms at the ready."Woah woah, easy there Pancham, it's me." Ash said, raising two hands to try and calm him down.Pikachu got off from Ash's shoulder and went towards and tried talking with Pancham. Whatever Pikachu said, it seemed to have calmed Pancham down."Pan Pancham?" Pancham said."I'm sorry I startled you, but I need your help.""Pancham?""Clemont has this invention that would... visualize your memories, figure out what happened."Pancham had a little doubt, but reluctantly agreed. He would do anything to find his trainer."Alright then, follow me outside." Ash said.Ash exited the tent with Pancham following behind. It was then he saw three more people in the camp now. Bonnie and Team Rocket had returned while he was in the tent."I heard from Clemont, are Braixen and Pancham right?!" Bonnie asked.Pancham came from behind Ash and gave Bonnie a thumbs up, which made Bonnie sigh in relief."And what about Braixen? I don't see her anywhere."Ash didn't had the heart to tell her the whole truth, a little girl like Bonnie doesn't need to hear the rather gruesome details of Braixen's injuries."Braixen... is going to be fine. Don't worry about it." Ash lied."But I don't see Meowth anywhere, where has he gone?" James entered the conversation."Only one way to find out." Ash said. "Clemont, is your machine ready?""All set to go!" Clemont exclaimed.Clemont placed the hat onto Pancham's head, flipped a few switches as everyone gathered in front of the screen."Are you ready Pancham?" Clemont asked as he finished the final preparations."Cham." Pancham said."Alright, power on!" he said, turning on a switch that was on a remote.The screen then flickered to life, at first it only showed static but after awhile an image slowly began appearing on the screen. It was showing things through Pancham's eyes, he was in a cage in what looks like a cave or some sort. Braixen was lying helplessly on the ground, incredibly injured."YOU STILL INSIST ON RESISTING?!" a booming voice said.In front of Braixen, was a someone wearing a cloak, with eyes shining blood red.The appearance of this cloak person made everyone's blood turn cold. It was a menacing sight for everyone."YOUR MASTER IS GONE, YOU ANSWER TO ME NOW." the cloak person said, charging something from his hands and unleashing it upon Braixen, sending her flying across the room and landing directly in front of Pancham."I DON'T HAVE TIME FOR THIS, LOCK IT IN, PERHAPS THEN IT WOULD UNDERSTAND AND GIVE IN TO MY CONTROL.""Understood." a voice in the background saidThe cloak person left the room, the sound of his footsteps filled the room for a few seconds before it disappeared.The man, wearing a mask ran towards Braixen to check on her condition, before running towards Pancham's cafe and opening it."Don't worry, I'm not one of them." the man said. "You have little time but you have to get out of here."The man opened the cage and Pancham stepped out of the cage and ran towards Braixen, who was critically injured."She's badly hurt, I know a way out of here, once you're out wait somewhere safe, they'll come looking for you." he said, handing back Pancham's sunglasses as he put it back on and the video feed ended."Is that it?" Ash asked."I guess it is..." Clemont said, still rather speechless at what he just saw.Everyone remained silent for awhile before Ash suddenly spoke."Wait, what did he mean by "they"? Does he know that we are looking for them?""Unlikely." Jessie said. "Who would know of our presence or even know that those are the Twerpette's-"Jessie was interrupted with the sound of a helicopter, roaring above them. Everyone were startled at the sight of it as it slowly descended onto the ground. A man, dressed in a black camo outfit and wearing a beret exited from the helicopter passenger door and walked towards them."Are you Ash? Ash Ketchum?" the man asked."Yeah, that's me, mind telling us who you are?""Call me Mike, I'm with the KSATTF and we have things that you might want to know."

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