Chapter 2

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It was dark, or so Serena thought when she woke entire body numb, but she still managed to force her screaming muscles to get up, her arms were bleeding, but she can't do anything about it at the moment.Serena took a good look at her surroundings, the sun was still shining, most likely late afternoon, and not a single sign of life to be found."I got to find a way out of this forest and get back to Ash." she thought."Ughhh..." a voice came from behind her.Serena jumped out of her wits and turned to the source of the sound,her vision was still a bit blurry but she managed to make out a figure,a white,small creature,has whiskers and has something yellow on its head, she immediately figured out who it was."Meowth!" Serena screamed."Heh? Whaaaaa Twerpette!" Meowth said, immediately jumping back in shock at the sight of Serena."What are you doing here?!" she said."What am I doing here? I'm here because you fell on me while I was climbing!" Meowth yelled back.Serena paused for a second, trying to remember when that occurred, it was then she remembered something hitting her back when she was fell off,she somehow managed to cross paths with Team Rocket and landed on Meowth, causing him as well to fall off the mountain.It was then they heard a faint scream somewhere deep in the forest, after that a long silence."What was that?" Serena asked."I don't know but I ain't sticking around to find out! Let's go." Meowth said."What?! Follow you?" Serena said. "Why should I follow you again,you're just going to pretend to cooperate and then you'll jump at us when our guards are down!"The Twerptte does have a point." Meowth last time he got separated from Team Rocket he did used them as an excuse to get close to Pikachu.It was then another scream was heard,now even closer than before, it made both of them feel uneasy."Look, I don't have time to stick around to find out what that noise is pal,so you can either follow me or stay here and get eaten by whatever is making that noise!" Meowth said with a serious tone.She couldn't argue with him there,she didn't want to stick around to find out what making that noise and the thought of it just makes her hair stand up."Alright, fine." she finally said."Then let's go." Meowth said as they ran in the opposite direction deeper into the forest.Clemont was never a person who was afraid of caves,anything odd could always be explained with the power of science, but something about this particular cave made him uneasy."How much longer till we reach the exit big brother?" Bonnie asked,exhausted at the constant walking they had to do."I'm don't exactly know for sure, but judging by the size of this mountain,and how long we've been walking,I'd said around 30 more minutes."Oh man..." Bonnie said in disappointment.It was then that Dedenne,who was sleeping in Bonnie's satchel this whole out and looked around curiously."What's wrong Dedenne?" Bonnie asked as the Electric Hamster jumped out of the was then that small electric currents went towards Dedenne's was Pikachu communicating with them."Those electric currents." Clemont said. "So that must mean-""Ash is trying to communicate with us!" Bonnie finished."That can only mean one thing." Clemont said. "Ash and Serena are in trouble!""Dedenne,where is the current coming from?" Bonnie asked."Denene!" Dedenne said, pointing towards the wall in front of them."They must be at the at cliffside on the other side of this wall." Clemont said."What do we do?" Bonnie said. "There's no way to break this wall down!""Heheheh,the future is now thanks to science! Clemontic Gear on!" the blonde inventor said. "I thought we encounter a situation preciously like this one." he said with two drills strapped to his arms."I called it the Easy Wall Driller That Drills With A Breeze Drill!""Once again,your names never cease to amuse me."Bonnie said."This invention allows you to drill a hole into a wall with extreme quickness by increasing the speed of the drill as it keeps going,creating the ultimate drilling machine! Power on!""The drills started to spin as Clemont pushes them onto the wall starts breaking down just big enough for them to walk through."At this rate,we'll be outside the mountain in a few- huh?" Clemont said as the drills started going haywire,increasing its speed to a ludicrous amount."Uh-oh, AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Clemont said as the he speeded off deeper into the newly drilled then heard an explosion."That's my big brother..." Bonnie said while shrugging as she ran into newly drilled hole to find her brother.

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