Chapter 15

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" Ash going to be alright?" Serena asked, clasping her hands together.

"His vitals are normal." Corporal First Class Simon Mendez, the medic of Team 1 said in an annoyed tone as he tried to focus on his job. "Although that electric shock has rendered him unconscious."

"Oh no! Ash..." She said.

Ash, who was laying on a stretcher and was wrapped in multiple layers of bandages, with Pikachu by his side, concerned about its trainer. After saving Serena, he had collapsed onto the ground which left Serena in a shock. Like Mendez said, he fell unconscious soon after due to his severe injuries.

"How....? How could I have done such a thing to him?!" She said, almost on the verge of tears.

"It wasn't your fault Serena." Clemont said, placing a hand on her shoulder to comfort her. "You were controlled, indoctrinated. You weren't acting on your own accord." 

"But I hurt Ash! How could I possibly forgive myself for-"

"You didn't hurt him." Mike joined in. "You weren't acting under your own will. Ash is your friend right? So you wouldn't have hurt him on purpose."

"Ash is more than that! He's someone very close to me....." Serena said, realizing what she just said she covered her mouth in shock. 

"So I was on the right track...." Clemont whispered to himself. 

Mike said nothing, he knew what she meant, but as a soldier he should keep the chit-chat for later and focus on the mission. The camp had been captured, the extremist members have been arrested. But for some reason, something didn't felt right, like he was missing a piece of the bigger picture. An object, almost fifty meters tall, was being constructed at this camp. Interrogating the extremist members led to nothing, but documents found revealed something, Project ARCADIA. They didn't know what it meant but Mike was sure that was the name of the project for the giant object being constructed.

"Sir, extraction chopper has arrived." Private Matthew Laskey said.

"Good, load Ash onto the chopper."

The chopper landed at the gates of the camp. The co-pilot opened the helicopter doors.

"Pancham?!" Serena said in surprise.

The panda Pokemon jumped of the helicopter, happy to see its trainer again.

"I'm so glad to see you again!"

"That Pokemon hitched a ride when we landed back at the CP." The pilot, code name "Möbius" said.

"Wait, where's Braixen?"

Clemont hesitated, he couldn't bring himself to tell Serena the state that Braixen was in.

"Braixen's.... not in good condition." Clemont said. "She was taken to a nearby Pokemon Centre."

"What?! What happened to Braixen?! Is she alright?!"

"She'll be alright." Clemont lied.

Ash was carried on a stretcher and loaded onto the chopper. Pikachu tagged along as well.

"Drop them at the nearest Pokemon Centre." Mike ordered.

"Yes sir, before that, do you know anyone under the codename "Stonekeeper"? " The co-pilot, codename, Razgriz said.

"That would be me." Mike said.

"Your "package" has arrived."

"Ah, good. Hand it over to me." Mike said.

Razgriz handed Mike a round object, that looked like a strap, attached to it was a round stone that shined bright yellow.

"Thank you." Mike said.

"Glad to help." Razgriz said. He turned around and made a twirling signal to Möbius, signaling him to take off. Möbius nodded and started lifting the helicopter off the ground as Razgriz shut the door. The helicopter lingered for a brief moment before flying off.

"Wait....." Clemont said. "Is.... is that a-?!"

"It is what you think it is. A Mega Stone, specifically the Manectricite."

"Wow, so Manectric can Mega Evolve?" Serena said, completely forgetting everything that had happened.

"Yes well, I haven't really gotten the chance to use it that much, only in really serious situations do I use it." Mike explained as he strapped the Manectricite around his Manectric's neck.

"So.... The Pokemon on your emblem is actually a Mega Manectric?" Clemont asked.

"You noticed? Yeah, the KSATTF emblem is that of a Mega Manectric."

"Wow, that's pretty cool." Serena said.

Suddenly, Mike's earpiece crackled.

"Sir! We got two stragglers! Caught them trying to escape the area!"

"Copy that, bring them here." Mike replied.

About 5 minutes later, two KSATTF members appeared with two rather familiar people.

"Team Rocket?!" Serena said in surprise. "What are they doing here?!"

"You two." Mike said coldly. "Tried to jeopardize the mission eh?"

"We only want to find Meowth back! We don't care what happens to you numbskulls!" Jessie replied back.

"Us "Numbskulls" could put you behind bars for multiple charges unless YOU cooperate." Mike said.

The words of the Lieutenant shut Jessie up from responding back, clearly not wanting to add more oil to the fire. James as well was praying she didn't made the situation any worse for them.

Finally, James replied.

"Fine, we'll cooperate."

"Good, release them."

The two people that were holding up Jessie and James released the two, before leaving raising a salute to the Lieutenant before returning to their duties.

Just then a soldier came running towards Mike, his eyes told a sense of urgency.

"Permission to speak sir?" The soldier said, saluting with one hand.

"Permission granted." Mike said, returning the salute. "What is it?"

"We.... We found her, we found the Captain."

"What....?! Where is she now?!"

"Right here."

The voice came from behind the solider, everyone turned to see who it was, Clemont was the first to respond.

"Officer Jenny?!" The blonde inventor said in surprise.

"That's Captain Jenny now." Jenny said, who was clad with a combat vest, cargo pants, and black combat boots. Everyone was in shock at her appearance and stared at her in silence. All she had to say was:

"Kept you waiting huh?"

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