Chapter 17

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"Malamar?! You... bastard!" Jenny cursed in anger. It was none other than the psychotic evil Pokemon himself.

"Mala Mala Mala Mar!"

"Madame X! How nice of you to show up!"

"Don't you DARE call me that!" Jenny replied. Her Pokeball containing Manectric at the ready.

"Ma Mala Malamar Mala Mala Mar."

"And Madame Y, how... unfortunate that you decided not to join the cause."

Serena clenched her fist tightly, now wanting to let out the rage in her. It's what Malamar wants to see in its enemies.


"Malamar Ma Mala Mala Mar."

"Such a shame, you would have fit perfectly in our ranks."

"I am NOT a pawn of your games!" Serena shot back. Her face turned red in anger. Pancham fired a Dark Pulse towards Malamar in retaliation, but was deflected when it reached it.

Malamar let out a laugh at the panda Pokemon's attempt at attacking.

"Ma Ma! Mala Malamar Ma!

"Electromagnetic shield my friend! You won't be hitting me with your attacks anytime soon!"

Serena clenched her teeth. She wanted revenge for hurting Ash. But she couldn't do anything about it.

"Meowth! What are you doing?! You're on our side!" James yelled. His Inkay also filled with anger, vowing revenge for using Team Rocket when they first crossed paths.

"Ma Mala Ma Malamar."

"I'm afraid he works for me now."

Meowth then took out a switch and raised it so everyone could get a good look at it.

"Ma Ma Malamar Mar, Ma Ma Malamar Mala Mala Ma!"

"If you wish to survive you best better start running, this camp is rigged with bombs filled with Napalm!"

Everyone froze.

"Na... Na... Napalm?!" Mike said.

"Mala Mala Mar Ma Ma Mala Malamar!"

"You got 10 minutes before everything within a 4 kilometer radius is reduced to ashes!"

At the side of the detonator displayed the numbers 10:00 on the timer.

Jenny cursed. She was so close! But Malamar has drove them into a corner. Jenny had to make a difficult decision, evacuate everyone out of the area. But everything, along with the truth, burns to the ground with it. The other option was to try disarming all the bombs that were in the camp but would be putting all her men at risk.

"Malamar! Mala Mala Mala Mar!"

"You'd best hurry up! Clocks starts now!"


It was at that moment Serena sprang forward, the whole world slowing down around her. She could hear her heart beat faster and faster. She didn't know what she was thinking, but there was no turning back now.

Serena kept forward and slammed Meowth onto the ground, throwing the detonator from his hand. The detonator slammed onto the ground trigger down, a beeping noise emitted and the timer started counting down.

"Dammit! What were you thinking?!" Mike yelled.

Serena mentally kicked herself, she didn't know why she suddenly became reckless in that split second of a moment. Maybe Ash's personality was rubbing off her? No matter, if she can't stop the bombs, she can at least save Meowth.

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