Chapter 8

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"Braixen?! Pancham?!" Ash and Clemont both exclaimed in horror. It was Serena's Pokemon, who both looked like they just went through Hell and back to get here. They were covered in dirt, they both looked extremely exhausted and they were covered in bruises and cuts."What happened to you two?!" Ash exclaimed"Brai... Brai...xen." Braixen panted before collapsing onto the ground."BRAIXEN!" Clemont and Ash screamed as they hurried over to her to see if she was alright."Pan Pan Pancham!" Pancham yelled, helplessly shaking Braixen to wake up."What's wrong with her?" Ash asked Clemont who had went over to checked on Braixen."Braixen is completely exhausted, she has faint from fatigue." Clemont said."We got to head back to camp! Inform the others about this!" Ash said.Team Rocket and Bonnie were searching from the sky with the use of Team Rocket's balloon, they probably aren't far from their current location."Flecthinder, come on out!" Ash yelled as he threw the Pokeball containing Flecthinder into sky as the Pokeball opened and the Phoenix Pokemon appeared."Flecthinder!" Flecthinder said, determined to help his trainer any way he could."Flecthinder! Find Team Rocket! Tell them to head back to the camp!""Fletch!" Flecthinder nodded as it flew up into the sky to look for Team Rocket's iconic balloon."Come on! Let's get Braixen and Pancham back to camp!" Ash said as he slowly lifted Braixen up and carried the Fox Pokemon on her back.Pancham climbed onto Clemont's shoulder as they hustled as quickly as they could back to the camp site."Stay with me Braixen, everything is going to be alright." Ash whispered to Braixen who although was exhausted could still hear what Ash said.Perhaps all hope hasn't been lost yet. Ash thought.It wasn't easy for Team Rocket to safely place Bonnie into the balloon, Meowth was one thing because he wasn't that big but having a third human passenger? That's a different story."Would you stop pushing so much Twerpette, you're going to make us fall out!" Jessie yelled, trying to keep Bonnie still."Maybe if you two weren't so big I could be comfortable." Bonnie yelled back."If you two could stop shaking the balloon and focus at what's at hand!" James joined in.The duo stopped struggling when they noticed something flying towards them at high speed."Uhhhh, James? What's that in front of us?!" Jessie said."I don't know, but it's going to crash into us! Brace for in-""Wait!" Bonnie interrupted. "I think I know what it is!" She noticed the red body it had and the orange fur at the tip of its wings."Flecthinder!" Bonnie yelled"Flecth! Flecthinder!" The Phoenix Pokemon cried."What's going on?" James asked."Flecth Flecth!" it said while pointing in the opposite direction, the direction of the camp."Ash and Clemont found something and wants us to head back to the campsite?" Bonnie said.Flecthinder nodded and flew past them, waving to them to follow him."James, turn this thing around." Jessie said."This is a hot air balloon, I can't "turn" this thing around!" James said.Flecthinder then had an idea, it flew in front of the balloon and flapped its wings in quick succession to create enough wind to push the balloon in the opposite direction."Good thinking Flecthinder!" Bonnie said, giving him the thumbs up which made Flecthinder blush."Alright let's head back, let's see what they found." James said.Serena felt an uncomfortable sensation when she was walking through the camp. All the people were staring at her, but I didn't felt like they had anger in their eyes, it looked like they are scared. Some of them didn't have a choice joining this organization. A pity she thought.The two men had taken Serena to the far end of the camp, where a giant lone tent was set up up above a high ground. A leader, watching over the entire thing.Deep down Serena already knew who the leader was, but for some reason she had a sense of doubt and wanted to see if she was right."Our boss is in there, don't keep him waiting." the masked man said, opening the tent covers to let her in while keeping an eye on her making sure she doesn't try anything funny.Serena carefully stepped into the tent as the man closed the covers behind her. Leaving Serena in a dim lit tent. At the far end was a huge rotating chair with its back facing towards her. Next to it was a cage with something inside that looked familiar. Upon closer inspection she knew who it was."Meowth!" she screamed as she ran towards the cage to check on him but was interrupted when she ran into a force field that was covering the area in front of her. The chair then turned to reveal the figure sitting on it."You..." Serena said almost in anger at seeing it again. The tall squid-like Pokemon that had tentacles grown on its back.Malamar."Ma aa la mar!" it said, almost in laughter."We meet again." Meowth suddenly spoke out. It was controlling Meowth and using him as a translator."I never thought I see you again." Serena said coldly, not wanting to show any emotions to someone as evil as Malamar."Ma ma ma la mar!""I told you this wasn't the end of me.""Ma la mar mar!""This time, I've brought an army with me!""You're not getting away with this! Ash and the others would stop you no matter what!" Serena yelled.Malamar laughed upon hearing that."Ma malamar, ma ma malamar, mala mala malamar!""Which is why I called you here, you and your hooligan friends have been nothing but trouble for my plans.""What are you going to do?!" Serena asked.Malamar pushed a button on the control pad on his chair which caused a loud ringing sound to be echoed. Then, the two masked men from outside entered the tent and grabbed hold of Serena."He... Hey! What are you doing to me?! Let me go!" she said as tried her to struggle her hands free, but the grip strengths of these two men were immense. Leaving lying helpless on her knees."Ma mala mala mar ma mala mar!""Indoctrination is key to recruiting."Ma malamar, ma ma mala malamar!""If I controlled you and used you, your brat friends would have no choice but to give into the indoctrination and join our ranks!"Serena froze at that."What?! No! I will not let you control me! I WILL NOT!" she resisted and tried getting her hands free, but the two men immediately restrained her and faced her to Malamar as a yellow light started emitting from it. The same light that had mind controlled her once before.Serena couldn't do anything, it was all over for her. The last thing she heard as her vision started blacking out was from Malamar."Malamar!""Assuming direct control!"

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