Chapter 4

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It was then that Serena realized how much time had passed when she looked out the cave entrance. It was completely dark outside, 8:30 in the evening to be precise when Serena checked her guidebook.She had wasted no time after Meowth had left, she first bandaged her injured arms using the mini first aid kit she always carried in case of emergencies. She had learned a thing or two about first aid from her mother every time she got injured when practicing Ryhorn racing. Funny how her Ryhorn racing is in a way helping her now. She then released Braixen and Pancham to help her find some wood to make a fire. Pancham, being the quick climber was able to bring back a bunch of small broken twigs from trees. Serena then had Braixen use Flamethrower on the twig pile to make a fire. After that she decided to just let her Pokemon stay out of their Pokeballs and sat next to the fire."Where has Meowth been anyway?" Serena said to herself as she looked outside to see if the Feline Pokemon was there. Serena then realized something, what if Meowth already made his way back to Team Rocket and left me here?! That was a possibility, it wasn't the first time Meowth had used the group to his advantage.Suddenly, Serena heard some rustling noises from outside the cave."Who's there?" she said as her Pokemon quickly stood guard in front of Serena, wanting to protect their trainer."It's me Twerpette!" the voice from outside said.It was Meowth, all bruised up and carrying what looked like a sack behind his back. He started limping towards the honey blonde trainer."What happened to you?!" Serena said as she quickly went towards Meowth."There were... complications when I was searching us some food. It was that voice, it threw me off a cliff!" Meowth said, dropping the sack he was carrying as he laid his back onto the stone wall."It's still out there!?" Serena said. Slowly turning pale at thought of that ghost again."Yeah, but I don't think it followed me here, so we should be fine." Meowth said.Serena let out sigh of relief. She was too exhausted to continue running."It's probably a Psychic type Pokemon. It used Psychic to throw me off the... Urgh...""Careful! You need to hurt!" Serena said as she grabbed hold of Meowth."In...the...sack...Oran Berry!" Meowth said, slowly getting weaker and weaker.Serena quickly went and opened the sack which revealed to be a lot of berries. From Pecha berries to Persim berries. And among the pile were Oran berries which Serena took a few.Her mother had taught her how to treat an injured Pokemon, with their Flecthling being the "wounded". You take the Oran berries, squeeze the juice onto a bandage and then wrap around the wound."This should heal your wounds." she said to Meowth as she slowly wrap the bandage around Meowth's body.It didn't take long for the Oran Berry to take affect as Meowth immediately felt better from his wounds."Wow, that sure helped a lot! Where did you learned that from?" Meowth said."I've learn it from my mother." Serena said with a half flattered half shy face."The twerp should be glad he has someone like you to take of- gah!" Meowth said,quickly covering his mouth from saying anything further."What was that Meowth?!" she said."Ahhh you heard nothing! It was all just your imagination!"Serena gave Meowth a rather intimidating look. If there's one thing Meowth has learned from Jessie is that women can get pretty scary and that you don't mess with them."Alright alright I'll spill the beans. You didn't think I noticed did ya?""Notice what?" Serena replied, completely interesting in what Meowth has to say."That you like your twerp friend! It's been obvious since day one!" Meowth said."Wait, how did you know?!" she replied, now as curious as ever."All your concerns with your twerp friend didn't go unnoticed you know? I'm surprised he hasn't noticed it yet."Serena felt extremely embarrassed, even Meowth knows her little secret now? She felt like everyone in the world except Ash would noticed the hints."How much do you know?" Serena said coldly."All I know is that you like the twerp, probably because he helped you out or something." Meowth said."Yeah, that's pretty- wait, how do you know so much about romance?!""It's a really long story.""Well, it's not like I have anything else to do, so go ahead then." Serena said, sitting down next to Meowth to listen to his story. Braixen and Pancham also decided to listen to the story."It all started when I was nothing more than a stray Pokemon at this camp in Kanto. I had a hard life, with no food I was always starving. I once tipped over a basket full of baseballs thinking it was food! The baseball coach wasn't really happy, so he had me hung up a tree!""How horrible!" Serena exclaimed."Well, I never said I lived a good life. Anyway, from that tree I saw a movie that was playing at the camp. I can't remember what it was called but it was about this Meowth living in this place called "Hollywood" being fed so well by its master. I thought "Wow, Hollywood is a paradise! I must go there." Boy was I wrong.""What happened?" Serena asked."When I finally got to Hollywood, I was shocked. It was nothing like what the movie showed! I was still being treated like a mere stray Pokemon just like before. I still remember the times where I would steal food from stores there, I got caught one time and had lost my food. It was at that time I was greeted by a gang of Meowths, led by a Persian, they brought me into their gang. I was happy because I was able to satiate my hunger by joining the gang, I still felt something was missing. I felt... lonely inside, I wanted some love in my life after going though such negligence. It was then that I met her.""Her?" Serena said"A female Meowth called Meowzie, I saw her in a window of a posh department store and it was love at first sight. I remember running into across the road to her and it caused a big traffic pile up. But when I walked towards her, I was rebuked. Her owner, a posh looking lady recalled her into her "diamond-encrusted Pokeball." She then said to me that a mere "street Meowth" like me would never win over a luxurious Pokemon like Meowzie. So I did what I thought was the only way to impress her, I vowed to become like a human in order to impress her!"Serena was silent, completely focused and wanted to know more about the story."So I searched, I searched for a place where I could practice to speak like a human. I then found a mansion that was home to an academy that taught students upper-class etiquette. So I spied on one of their classes, I practiced walking on two legs, practiced speaking,even practiced singing. I'll always remember the tongue twister they taught "She sells seashells by the seashore." But life got harder for me trying to be a human, I now have to run on two legs instead of four when I steal food. Making it extremely difficult for me.""So how long did it take for you to learn walking and talking properly?" Serena asked."A few months maybe, I can't really remember exactly how long." Meowth said."After finally mastering it, I went back to Meowzie, thinking this time she would be impressed of me and would like me. It was then my world fell apart. She called me a freak, saying in worst than a stray Meowth and she wouldn't love a freak."Serena gasped at that. "What a horrible thing to do!" she thought to herself."Angered over the rejection, I vowed to her to be the richest "freak" she'll ever see, wanting to make her eat her words about me. I tried doing many things while traveling, but it ended with me remember the first word I ever learned, "Rocket". So that's how I ended up in Team Rocket and the rest was history."Serena could not let a single word out her mouth about Meowths story, she was overcame with sympathy for Meowth, doing everything to impress the girl he loved, but only to be rejected."Thanks for listening to my story." Meowth said. "I've never really told anyone else besides Team Rocket about my past. Here, take this."Meowth threw a circular object to Serena and she caught it."It's a bottle cap." Serena said, looking at the top of the cap that had the words "Slateport City Root Bear" written on it."I nicked it off from James as revenge for stepping on my tail one time, but you can keep it."Serena nodded as she placed the bottle cap into her pocket.Meowth then yawned, "Well, storytelling sure made me tired, I'll be off to hit the hay." Meowth said as he laid down facing the wall. "Goodnight.""Goodnight." Serena said blankly, still thinking about the story Meowth had just told her. She also had fears of Ash rejecting her, but she didn't wanted to believe that, she has a feeling that Ash maybe, just maybe, he felt the same way as she does now. Serena slowly lay down and started closing her eyes as her Pokemon cuddled next to her to get ready for tomorrow.  

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