Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

Private Samuel Miles had always wanted to serve his region, that's what his father would always tell him. Coming from a military background, it wasn't a surprise that would decide to join to follow in his parents footsteps. So at the age of 18 he signed up, graduated two years later and was assigned to the 47th Kalos Ranger Regiment, the Army's elite special forces. A few months ago, Inspector General Simon Burdford of the Kalos Police Department met him, he offered him a position in a police special force that only recently had been formed, Samuel gladly accepted the offer.

So here he was now, working in the KSATTF office branch in the KPD main headquarters in Lumiose City as a Quartermaster. Although work can be a little dull, he didn't regret joining the KSATTF. The main reason being he gets to see his family more often, he never had the opportunity to come back home often because of how far he was deployed to. Now he could visit his wife and two sons in Aquacorde Town when he goes on shore leave.

Samuel sat in front of his desk looking at his computer screen as he went through a manifest list of supplies that he needed. He was then he was interrupted by a messaged that appeared on his screen.



It wasn't an uncommon thing for this to happen, soldiers on the field request for supply drops all the time, wether it be medical supplies or Pokeballs. But the item that "Stonekeeper" had requested was what caught his eye.

MS, codename for Mega Stones are only given to high ranking officials within the KSATTF, from Lieutenants to Colonels.

Samuel searched for the requested item in the storage database and found it. After that he sends out an order for it to be packaged and loaded on the next transport chopper. For some reason, Samuel can't shake of an uneasy feeling he had inside him. Why would someone need a supply drop for a Mega Stone? Were they in danger? Samuel shook the thought from his mind as he reached for the radio that was on his desk to contact the the transport chopper.

"Quartermaster to Bravo 6-2, supply drop requested, sending you the location of the drop zone, out."


"Was it really such a good idea to run off from the rest?" James asked.

"We won't be able to find Meowth at this rate unless we do it ourselves!" Jessie shot back.

They were both inside the camp searching high and low for Meowth, but to no avail. They had managed to enter the camp by cutting a hole in the wall. It wasn't an easy task searching the camp as well as avoid being spotted. Suddenly, Jessie noticed a large object that was not far from where she was. Judging from the multiple scaffoldings that were near the thing, it was most likely something being constructed.

"Hello, what do we have here?" Jessie said.

"What do we have what?" James asked.

"Look over there, that big thing in the middle of the camp. I'm going to go take a look at it."

"Jessie, what are you doing?! You're going to stick out like a fly if you go there!" James protested.

"Oh don't be such a loser James, I'm just going to take a quick little-"

Suddenly an explosion was heard so loud that it almost made Jessie and James deaf. The Team Rocket duo ran to see to where the explosion came from. The explosion came from the front gates of the camp, and most probably the one who caused it. A person floating almost five meters high and donned a cloak.

"-look...." Jessie said in hesitantly.


"Se....Serena?!" Ash said in shock at the reveal of the cloak person. On one hand he was glad to see Serena again, but not like this, never like this.

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