Chapter 5

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Rain splattered across the straight dirt path as rain clouds covered the night sky. Wind blew heavily as tree began swaying back and fourth, like a Ludicolo dancing in the rain. The calm of the stormy night was interrupted by the sound of a truck engine blazing through the dirt path. In the back were two people being taken against their will to an unknown location.Serena slowly began regaining consciousness, she suddenly felt an extreme headache, like a Machamp had just use Mega Punch on her head. She tried moving her hands but failed to do so. She then realized she was tied up with rope.Serena suddenly felt a rush of fear run through her body."How did I get here?!" she thought to herself, nervously shaking the whole time.Suddenly, she heard a groaning noise coming from next to her. Serena quickly pushed herself away from the noise and leaned herself against a wall.Upon closer inspection, it turned out to be Meowth, and her two Pokemon, Braixen and Pancham all locked in steel cages."Meowth!" Serena whispered."Gah... Not to loud, my head- gah! How did I end up in a cage?!" Meowth exclaimed."I don't know, I woke up here as well." Serena said."Well, we got to get out here! I'm starting to have a bad feeling about this gig. Judging by the size of this place and the constant bumping we're experiencing, we appear to be in a truck." Meowth said."A truck? How did we end up in a truck?" Serena wondered."Your guess is as good as mine."Suddenly, the truck came to a stop, the sounds of the truck door opening and closing.The container door then opened, two man wearing hoodies and masks were standing at the opening. There was rain pouring down behind the two."Out. Now." One of the masked men said rather soullessly, as if he was possessed.Serena complied and stood up and exited the truck, leaving Meowth and her Pokemon behind."Follow me and do not resist." another masked man said.She simply nodded and followed him. She took note of the environment, it looked like a camp of some sort. She saw many kinds of Pokemon, all with dead looking eyes doing labour work.Serena took a peak behind, she saw Meowth being transported out from the truck, with a tall figure with tentacles on its back. It looked like-"Eyes forward!" the man behind her said.Serena quickly turned her head around to avoid angering the person any further.She was led to a what looked like a mining shaft turned into a makeshift prison. The masked man in front opened the door to her cell while the one behind her pushed her into the cell and locked the door."What is the meaning of this?!" she yelled. "I demand to know why have I been captured!"The two men did not replied and walked away from her cell."Please, Ash..."Ash kept tossing and turning in his sleep. He didn't know why, but he felt like something bad had happened to Serena. It felt like it was trying to tell him a message.Ash got up from his sleeping bag, he just knows it, it can't be ignored. Serena is probably in trouble.He quickly changed from his sleepwear and woke Pikachu up, telling him about his gut feeling."Ash..? Where are you going?" Clemont said as he woke up from the sounds that Ash was making."I know it, I just know it! Serena is out there and she's in trouble!" Ash said, grabbing his bag and opening the tent."But it's raining outside and it's late in the night!" Clemont replied."I can't ignore it, she's out there with something dangerous. I can feel it." the raven haired trainer said as he exited from the tent."Ash! Wait!" Clemont exclaimed as the tent was closed back and he heard Ash's footsteps running into the forest.Clemont couldn't sit idly by as his friend could run into potential danger. So he got up and got his blue jumpsuit in order to change."You're one reckless and brave trainer Ash."

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