Chapter 3

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"I think I see a cave just ahead!" Serena said."We'll hide there and wait for this whole thing to blow over!" Meowth said,running as fast as he hearing the faint scream behind them.They both ran into the cave,hoping they lose whatever that was following them this whole both hid behind some rocks,remaining what felt like an eternity,Serena peeked out to see if their pursuer was still on to them."Looks like the coast is clear." Serena said,breathing a sigh of relief."I think it's best we stay here for awhile." Meowth said as he stepped out from his hiding place."You sure about that? This place looks like a Pokemon nest from the looks of it." Serena said,noticing the scratch marks and the heaps of hay that were scattered across the cave floor."Judging by the dust,it looks like this place hasn't been inhabited for quite a long time now." Meowth said.All Serena could do was nod at Meowth,she was too exhausted from the running that she was still out of breath."I'm going to go look for some use hiding with an empty stomach!" Meowth said as he headed off into the forest,leaving Serena alone in the cave."Sure reminds me of Ash..." Serena muttered.Ash usually was never a person to panic during extreme situations,even in gym battles he would keep a cool head in order to achieve victory.But now,he was didn't know what to do,he's mind was nothing but a haze and he couldn't think and Bonnie had arrived rather quickly when he asked Pikachu to send a signal to Dedenne."I should have been more observant! She wouldn't have fell if I had noticed earlier!" Ash said,punching a fist into the mountain wall."Ash,it wasn't your fault!"the blonde inventor said. "This wasn't something that was foreseen,none of us would have expected it!"Remember what you always say "Never give up till it's over!"" Bonnie said.Those words jolted Ash back to his was right,what would Serena think of him if he had just gave up?"You're right,Bonnie." Ash said as he patted her head. "I can't just give up now!""Then that settles it then!" Clemont said. "Our best chance is to use Flecthinder to search from the air and- huh?"The group heard something climbing up,muffled voices could be heard,all sounding really familiar."Gasp, gasp, finally we reach a break spot! Maybe now we can finally look for- Gah!""It's Team Rocket!" the group all said."Gah,it's the twerps!" Jessie said as she was preparing to grab her Pokeball containing Pumpkaboo when James soon climbed up."What's with all this commotion Jess- eeek! The twerps!" James said."What are you doing here!" Ash wanting to deal with them right now."Well we were just climbing up this mountain,minding our own business when suddenly your twerpette friend came out of nowhere and fell right onto Meowth! Causing him to fall as well." Jessie said.The group all froze when they heard had just so happened to fall right onto Team Rocket and causing Meowth to fall off the mountain with her?" you know where they are?" Ash asked hesitantly."Not a clue." Jessie said while shrugging."That's why we're climbed up here to look for Meowth with our binoculars." James said,holding his Team Rocket binoculars in his hand."Why don't we help you?" Ash said."WHAT!?" everyone yelled at Ash's suggestion."Ash,what are you doing!?" Clemont said. "Why do you want to help them?!""It's the only way to find Serena." the raven haired trainer said. "We would all benefit from this if we had a temporary truce.""The twerp does have a point." James whispered to Jessie.Jessie sighed at even James agreeing to the twerps idea until she finally agreed."Fine,but after finding Meowth we're still going to capture Pikachu,you got that?" Jessie said."Fine." Ash said as he reached out his hand to shake Jessie's hand,signaling their temporary was then that Pikachu decided to shock both Ash and Jessie when they shook hands."What was that for!?" Ash and Jessie said as they looked at Pikachu who had half guilt and half menacing look on his face."This is going to be a difficult temporary truce..." James said.

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