Chapter 13

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Jenny woke up with a jolt when she heard the sounds of people yelling and explosions. The calvary were here.

She lifted her head and felt a sudden pain in her neck, guess that's what happens when you sleep on the floor for too long she thought. She peeked out of the small window that was above her cell to see what was going on. She saw a bunch of Pokemon and people running towards a fighting that was happening outside the gates.

"Hope those are backup...." she said to herself.

Jenny then walked away from the window and towards the wall where Serena's cell was next to it. She knocked on the wall to try to get her attention.

"Serena?" Jenny called out. "Serena, are you there?"

There was no reply.

"If you can hear me, call out."

Again, there was silence.

"Hm, something's wrong I gotta get out of this- huh?"

She noticed something laying on the floor next to her cell door, a small parcel.

Jenny noticed a note on top of the parcel, she took it and started reading it.

You need this more than we do.

Take the contents in the parcel and get out of here.

Good luck.

A friend.

Wether it was one of her moles in the extremist group or it really was a "friend". Jenny hoped she could meet the person and shake his or her hand personally for giving her an opportunity to escape.

She opened the parcel and inside were a key and a Pokeball, her Manectric. She grabbed the Pokeball and holstered it on her belt. She then grabbed the key and immediately figured out what it was for. She inserted it into the cell door's keyhole and turned it, a "click" sound was made and the door was opened.

"Guess that's my escape." she said.

Jenny then walked towards the cell next to her to see if Serena is still there. She peeked into the cell and was surprised to find it empty.

"Damn, hope she's alright."

Jenny then decided to exit from the cave and head outside. The noise outside sounded more rowdy and chaotic than before. She took a look at the surrounding area to see if there was a way out.

"Too many for me to sneak past." She said. "I need some kind of distraction."

Just then, by sheer coincidence a loud explosion was heard. She quickly looked around to see where the explosion came from and noticed that the front gates of the camp were blasted open.

"Huh, guess it's my lucky day." Jenny said as she started running towards the towards the gates in the midst of the confusion of the explosion.


Ash ran as quick as he can along with Frogadier who was running from tree to tree like the ninja he was while Pikachu was following Ash. They reached the top of the cliff and saw the battle that was raging on below, at this rate it was a losing fight and Ash needed to react, and fast.

"Hope this plan works..." Ash said to himself. "Pikachu! Frogadier! I'm going to need your complete focus of we're going to pull this off, understand?"



"Alright, Pikachu, I'm going to need you to use Electro Ball aimed straight towards the bad guys. And Frogadier, as soon as Pikachu launches it, you use your Frubbles and stick it on the Electro Ball. If all goes well it should make one big sticky bomb."

Frogadier and Pikachu nodded at their trainer and prepared their attacks, waiting for Ash to give the signal to commence.

"Alright, on 3." Ash held up three fingers and started counting down.

"3, 2, 1, GO!"

Pikachu jumped up into the air and started charging up Electro Ball, and threw it. As soon as it launched Frogadier reached for its Frubbles and threw it at the Electro Ball, enough to cover the entire thing, turning it into a Sticky Electro Ball.

"Alright! That's how it's done!" Ash said in excitement.

The Sticky Electro Ball flew towards the extremist members and their Pokemon at high speed and hit them. Instead of causing harm, it had spread the Frubbles all across the field and incapacitate them.

When Mike saw the event transpired, he couldn't believe what had just happened. He immediately realized that Ash was the one had launch that attack.

"Clever kid." He said as he smiled, he did even the odds. "Alright men! Now's our chance! Push them back!"

"HOORAH!" Everyone screamed.

Clemont was still on the field with his Luxray as well as Ash's other Pokemon.

"What clever idea..." Clemont said. Examining the Sticky Electro Ball that had just hit the enemy. "Ash is always full of surprises."

As the KSATTF started approaching the camp gates, they approached the extremist members who were hit with Frubbles and started pinning them down, making sure they won't be able to attack back.

Ash returned back from the hill and approached Mike and Clemont.

"That's was a damn good tactic you had Ash." Mike complimented.

"Yeah, I never knew you could stick things on an Electro Ball." Clemont said, once again in awe at Ash's ability to think of strategy in a middle of a battle.

"Oh you guys give me way to much credit!" Ash said as he scratched his cheeks nervously.

"Team 2 has retreated from the area but there were no sign of our criminal friends. So we're on our own, once we're through the gates and we'll be inside the-"

Suddenly a flash of light erupted and an explosion was heard, destroying the gates and blasting everyone from the gates.

"What the hell was that?!" Mike yelled as he got back up on his feet.

"Sir! Someone coming out from the gates!" A person yelled.

Ash, Clemont and Mike looked at the gates and saw something emerging from what's left of the gates. A hooded figure with the hood covering the face. The same hooded that Ash and Clemont saw in the video.

"Is.... is that him?!" Ash asked, suddenly feeling all the hairs in his body standing up straight.

The hooded figure lifted its hands and light started emerging from it. It pointed at a KSATTF member who was still dazed from the explosion. The man was lifted into the air and thrown towards Ash.

"Frogadier! Frubbles, now!" He screamed.

Frogadier quickly pulled Frubbles from its neck scarf and threw it towards the KSATTF member flying towards him. The Frubbles enlarge and created a large cushion for the man to safely land without being hurt.

Mike sign in relief that his squad mate was not harm, there had been enough casualties today.

"NO ONE INTERFERES WITH THE PLAN." The hooded figure said as it charged up an energy ball from its hands and threw it at the group.

"Pikachu! Iron Tail! Send that thing right back at him!" Ash ordered.

Pikachu complied and jumped into the air to use Iron Tail. He swung his tail as hard as he could at the energy ball as it approached and send it flying right back at the hooded figure, hitting it.

"Way to go Pikachu!"

The hooded figure fell to the ground from the energy ball, destroying the cloak which it wore. The removal of the cloak revealed at short honey-blonde hairstyle. The person got up,

eyes glowing bright red.

Ash and Clemont couldn't believe what they were seeing.Their hearts dropping. The brown boots, the red vest, and a blue ribbon, there was no mistaking it.

"Se... Se.... Serena!?"

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