Body Shop

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I made eye contact before realizing it. He did, too and winked at me. The guy behind the counter noticed the gesture and smiled, "Miss Soper?"

"Hi, Ken!" I said, a little too gleefully. The cashier, Kenny, was cute. He'd hit on me before, but I was so wrapped up with Ruby's kids at the moment that we barely spoke.

"So, are you gonna go out for coffee with me or what?" Kenny asked as he handed over some paperwork for me to fill out. I began to fill out the forms when Blaze stepped over to my side, putting an arm around my waist. I froze and so did my writing.

"I thought you were letting me take you to lunch today, Sapphire?" I could feel his stupid ass grin etching itself into the side of my face. I looked up at Kenny who looked very annoyed.

"I didn't know you two were together. My apologies," Kenny lowered his gaze, fiddling around with some more papers on the counter.

"We aren't," I shoved Blaze's arm away, "And I'd love to have coffee with you."

As if he knew what Kenny was about to do, Blaze snickered and walked away, settling himself in a seat near the door.

"Well, I'm really busy so let's take a rain check?" Kenny lied. He was due off work in twenty minutes and I knew it. I shoved the paperwork at him, made the payment and he handed over the keys. I wasn't even in the mood to be nice so I grabbed them and hauled ass out the door to the van.

Of course, Blaze followed.

"Can you please leave me alone?!" I yelled at him, turning around so he could see how fuming mad I was, "Why are you invading my space? Can't you see I liked the guy?"

Blaze frowned, "Exactly why I had to stop him from taking you out."

My mouth fell open and I threw my hands up in the air, "You're on drugs, Baxter! I know you're up to something and I can't stand you for it!" I turned in the direction of the van. Some of the guys had come out to see what was going on, but they backed off when they saw it was Blaze. Typical. He wasn't a small guy and people knew he had connections and a temper.

"Let me take you out to lunch," he said, softly.

I stopped, my pulse was raising and I could have sworn I was going to have a heart attack.

"Why?" I didn't turn around. I didn't want to see him, but I felt him come up behind me, breathing down my neck, "Because I want to. You owe me."

I laughed and turned around, "Owe you for what? Not sleeping with you last night?"

"Yes," he shrugged, "Do you like Italian?"

I was so flabbergasted that I couldn't even speak.

"Just let me take you to lunch and then you can take me home," he smiled, "Please?"

"I don't owe you anything. I don't owe you my body, Blaze, and I don't want a relationship with you," I sort of lied.

He shrugged again, "Fine. It's just lunch. No strings."

This time, he didn't smile, but he stared into my soul with those chocolate orbs of his.

"Fine," I couldn't believe I was saying this, "What about your car?" I nodded to the Impala.

"She'll be fine," he looked at the minivan with disdain, "This yours?"

"Yep,"I climbed into the driver's seat as he hurriedly made his way to the passenger side.

"Where do you want to go?" I asked him.

"Luigi's?" He offered. I couldn't afford that place, but before I could say anything, he held up his hand, "I'm buying, Spooks."

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