Knowing Me, Knowing You

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I know the two of us weren't in love, but I craved him more than I wanted to admit. He held my hand on the way to his Mom's house, kissing it every few minutes as we drove down the winding roads into a gentle forest. Carla lived down by the river in Edison and it reminded me of the scenery back at Frog Park in Avery.

Blaze kept looking at me, but I'd kept my head down or out the window. I needed him to start needing me more than I needed him. I had to distance myself just a little bit.

"Are you OK?" He asked as we pulled onto his Mom's road.

I pretended like I wasn't paying attention, "Hmm? Oh, yeah, I am good." I smiled, faintly and he furrowed his eyebrows, but continued on.

When we made it her house, Carla met us on her front porch. The house was a beautiful little cottage right off the river and I absolutely loved it. She waved, trying to hold back a big Black Labrador.

"He won't bite! He'll just lick you to death," She laughed.

Hmm, the same thoughts I had about Blaze...

I'd deliberately put on his hoodie before we left the townhouse and I noticed him gloating as I did so. I pretended not to, though. He was definitely stepping it up more than a notch and I couldn't lose. The way he tried to get me to hold back, I almost lost myself, but for some weird reason, I enjoyed letting him dominate me on that floor.

"Do you need help with anything?" I asked when we walked in. The smell of food hit my nostrils right away and it was heavenly. I'd lived off of fast food and convenient store travel sized goodies for so long that I didn't really remember a what a homecooked meal was about. I had tried several times to cook for the kids and my father, but there were so many different people with different tastes.

"Oh, darling, you're so sweet," she put an arm around me, "I am just about done. I hope you like lasagna."

"We love Italian. Don't we, Sapphire?" Blaze winked at me, running a hand over the dog's back.

I grimaced and he caught it, looking at me in confusion.

"What's your dog's name?" I asked, settling down on the floor next to Blaze.


"Your dog's name is Fester?"

"I like the Addams Family."

"Makes sense then,"I laughed when Fester proceeded to sit on my lap.

"He likes pretty girls," Blaze said.

"Do you like pretty girls, Fester?" I asked the dog.

"Did you have any pets growing up?" Carla asked me.

"No, we were always in an apartment and they didn't allow them. I always wanted a dog, though," Blaze stood up and helped me off the floor.

Carla had disappeared back into the kitchen and Blaze turned to me, pulling me into him.

"Are you sure you're OK?"

"Yes, I'm fine. Really,"I broke free from him and made my way into the kitchen. I could feel him watch me walk away, a huge sigh leaving his body.

"I have some extra dishes and utensils, pots and pans for you," Carla told me as she checked dinner.

"Oh, my goodness!"I laughed, "I forgot that I would need those."

Blaze was next to me again. AGAIN. Looks like the minute I begin acting differently around him, he's got to be attached to me. HAHA. Winning.

"Can I talk to you?" He asked me.

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