Alone Together (part one)

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I was so ready to take this girl to bed. The way she looked at me as though I was going to rip her to pieces once we were in my room made me crave her. I wanted to see what was under those clothes... I needed to have her wrapped around me for every good and bad reason.

I'd felt her mouth on my cock and I'd wanted it again. I wanted to taste every part of her, make her beg me to fuck her like she'd never been fucked before and I wanted to ruin her for every single person after me.

When we were apart, I wanted her to think about me, to think about us no matter what she was doing or who she was with. I felt like I needed to make her mine, own her, damage her and let her go.

I pulled her into my room, tossing her on the bed just as I'd done earlier. I didn't hold back this time.

I crawled on top of her, kissing every exposed inch of her body. I figured at this point she'd resist a little as we'd only been at each other for a few days, but she didn't. She allowed her hands to roam my body, planting kisses on my lips every time my mouth met hers.

Those moans... I didn't know how long I was going to last if she kept that up. Sapphire wrapped her legs around me, but I had to get those clothes off.

I pulled her up so we could unclothe. I wanted to watch her undress. Even while peeling off her clothing, Sapphire kept her eyes on me as I did the same, my cock saluting her.

That gorgeous body of hers was meant to be mine. Before she could take off her bra and panties, I was juxtaposed with her again, pawing at her flesh like I was never going to get another chance. I was completely taken by this woman before me.

Pushing down her silk panties, I parted her pussy with my fingers and fondled her clit. She wrapped her arms around my neck, hanging on to me as I forced my digits into her just as I had done in that booth. I watched her face as I did this, glimpsing the passion that was overriding any loathing she had for me.

Her moaning turned into words as I slipped my fingers out, taking her juices into my mouth.

"Take me, Blaze... "

I popped off her bra, those full breasts bouncing out, ready for my mouth to devour them. I wanted to take her, believe me, I did, but I needed her to beg for me. I needed her to get so wet in her core that she ached for me.

I was torturing both of us, though. Even with her prodding me closer to the bed, I was adamant on savoring this time, caressing her, suckling her breasts as she held me tighter than before and moving my hands down to squeeze her perfectly round ass. I wanted to plow right into her as I did with every other girl, taking everything I could from this woman,but I couldn't.

She looked at me and pleaded again, "I need you inside of me, Blaze."


I wanted him and I needed him to want me just as badly. His body was beyond my expectations, built like a god. I admired him from a distance, the realization of what we were about to do was lost somewhere in my mind. I just knew that my core ached for him, I could feel the moisture practically drip down my thighs.

When he was aligned with me, I didn't feel nervous or trepidation, but longing. I'd obviously never admit to being attracted to him for so long, but he was hard for me and that made my body yearn for him to take me however he wanted to. He was torturing me with his pawing, clawing at my skin, even though his hands worked me like a professional. He massaged my clit for what seemed to be an eternity, my juices once again flowing like rivers onto his hand.

He'd tasted me, but I wanted that tongue everywhere he could put it. I wanted him to suck me dry because I knew he could do it. I knew he could take every ounce of me and I wanted to do the same for him.

Our moans clashed together as the foreplay was leaving us in tatters.I felt like my body was going to explode and when I told him to take me, I meant it. I needed to feel his cock embedded inside of me, but I knew he wanted me to beg for it.

Even if I did that, I was going to make him rethink every other woman after me. I was going to give him all of me and show him that when I was gone, he'd miss my sweet juices gushing out around his endowment. He'd long for my tongue to delight in every inch of his body. He'd yearn for my scent to be on him and when he'd ravish another, he'd only be thinking about me.

It hadn't taken us long to get to this place, but I didn't care anymore. We were here and I wasn't about to turn back now.

He tugged my glasses off and placed them onto a nearby desk. Suddenly, he grabbed my face, pulling it into his, our foreheads meeting. We were breathing heavily now and my ache was intense.

He looked at me and smiled,

"You'd better be ready for me, Sapphire, because I'm going to tear you apart."

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