Meeting the Family

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The day couldn't get any weirder. I'd given Blaze a blow job, then he wanted to know where I was, then he was weird in class and then he wanted to meet my family. Hell to the no.

I drove to the daycare and picked up Lily and Gage and rounded to the elementary school to pick up Caleb, Franky, Haley and Nina. It took forever to get everyone buckled in, Em had messaged to tell me she hadn't picked up groceries so we were stuck ordering out. I didn't get paid until the following day.

Dad wasn't home. He was pissed off. Em had bailed him out earlier in the day and I noticed he'd packed a bag meaning he was holed up somewhere on a bender. Typical.

He did leave a little money which was nice of him, but to feed 7 people? I'd just have crackers then and let the kids eat.

Of course, everyone wanted something different.

I hadn't told my friends what I'd done that day, but I told Mel and Lourdes they'd get the details tomorrow.

Suddenly, a knock came at the door.

"Franky, get the door, please!"I was busy filling the dishwasher and getting the kids to settle down to do their homework. Franky had started playing video games so he was closest to the door.

My hair was up in a bun and I'd tossed the jacket on the floor somewhere so all I had on was a tight shirt and the same tight jeans. The shirt was meant for Blaze to ogle me, but the gym had been too cold to take off the coat.

"Sapph! Someone at the door for you!" Franky called as I banged my head on the counter. Before I could even head to the door, I heard his voice.

"Thanks, kid," He was saying to Franky after walking into my apartment,

Blaze. What the hell was he doing here?

I looked him up and down and he did the same with me, examining my bosom. I crossed my arms over my chest.

"Why are you here?" I asked, finally putting my hands on my hips. Let him look at me.

"I wanted to see you," He grinned, but his smile faded as the chaos in my apartment went apeshit.

"These yours?" He joked, talking about the kids running around.

"My sister's," I told him, "Look, you can't be here." He knew where I lived because of Fox. Good ole Fox and his secret telling while on smack.

He crossed his arms, "Kicking me out?" Franky tugged at the controller and then threw it.

"Young man!" I yelled.

"I can't beat this guy!" Franky was aggravated.

Blaze turned to him and grabbed the controller from the floor. Jesus Christ his ass looked fine in those sweats.

"Let me show you some tricks," He proceeded to help Franky with the level, but he wasn't getting off that easily with me.

"Thanks!" Franky beamed as Blaze handed him the controller, "My name's Franky. Are you Blaze?"

Blaze looked at me, "I am. How did you know that?"

Franky was about to tell him that I was talking to my sister about Blaze one day and I stopped him, "OK! We have to figure out dinner, guys."

"We don't have any food," Lily said as she crawled onto the couch next to Blaze. My face fell when Blaze raised his eyebrows at me.

"She's just kidding!"

"No she's not!" Gage said, "You said we'd get take out and you'd eat crackers again."

I blushed and turned away. Tears were welling up in my eyes, but I had to show some sort of restraint, "We're going to get food, guys."

"Yep! Who likes cheeseburgers?!" Blaze was standing behind me now. I turned around and practically embedded myself into him. He caught me, staring down at me with those dark eyes, "Let me buy dinner. You owe me."

"What do I owe you?" I asked, looking at him.

All he did was smile.


I wasn't trying to get anything out of her, but I felt like giving the kids food from the "bottom of my heart" would make her mine. She'd love me for it.

I'd gotten Greg to drop me off down the road and texted him when he could leave. The apartment and neighborhood were in disarray, but not as bad as I thought it was going to be. Fox lived just a few blocks over.

We ended up driving the kids to a local diner where I ordered a bunch of food.

"Don't throw this at me this time," I told Sapphire with a wink.

She scowled. She was very motherly to these kids and I could see her with a brood in her future, if that's what she wanted. I didn't really want kids. They'd probably end up like me or Fox.

"Have you seen Fox lately?" She asked me. It caught me off guard. I didn't want to talk aout my brother, but I knew she'd seen him.

"No," I told her, shoveling some fries into my mouth. Maybe she'd take the hint. She did and sighed heavily, pursing her lips together. What I wouldn't do to have those lips wrapped around me again.

"What about your sister?" I asked, countering her.

"Their mother?"She pulled her burger apart. Spooks was a very dainty eater, but I don't think she ate much even though she had such a voluptuous figure.

The kids were too wrapped up in themselves to listen to us.

"I don't know. Rehab, maybe?" She averted my gaze.

"I'm surprised she and Fox haven't hooked up yet," I joked.

Her expression told me otherwise.


"Hey, no strings, right?" She winked at me.

"Yeah, no strings."

"Well, we'd better get moving," she ushered the kids along with their meals and I grabbed some to-go boxes.

"Make sure your aunt doesn't throw these at me, OK?" I smiled at Franky who nodded, not knowing what I was talking about, and handling the bags like a pro.

Sapphire rolled her eyes, "Thank you for dinner. How much do I owe you? I get paid tomorrow." We walked out to her van, Greg was in his car next to the mini. She looked at me and then back at him with a sad expression as if she'd wanted me to go home with them.

I turned to her and grabbed her waist, "I think you know what you owe me, Sapphire. Just be ready when I want it."

She pushed me off of her, huffing all the way to the van. I laughed and headed to Greg's car.

"Man, she's a little spitfire," Greg revved the engine and peeled out of the parking lot.

I turned back to look at her and that ass, "That she is."

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