Beg for Me

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Jesus, I wanted her. I wanted to break her right there on that bed. She was fighting me with everything she had so I wasn't going to force myself, but I was going to make her want it.

"I didn't need to come back with you," She whispered into my mouth as I kissed her harder. I pulled off her glasses and set them on the nightstand.

"No, but you did and you wanted to," I nibbled on her neck, feeling her body tense underneath mine.

"I can handle my father," She told me, as I pushed her hands above her head, pinning her down.

"You can't keep denying what we have, Spooks," I ran my hands down her middle, reaching into her jacket to massage her tits. Her nipples were so hard.

"We don't have anything,"Sapphire moaned, "I'm not even going to be here in the fall."

I stopped roaming her body and looked down at her, "What are you talking about?"

She licked her lips, "I'm going to college."

I frowned. Fucking college.

I was so hard for her, but I couldn't do it. She could feel me press my staff against her, but I needed her to be as damaged as I was and I needed her to beg for me.

"How are you getting into college?" I scoffed.

She pushed me off of her and stood up, "Scholarships. Why do you care anyway?"

"I don't. I just wanted to know how you were going to afford it," I said, smugly, gliding towards her.

"You're an asshole," She narrowed her eyes at me, "I shouldn't even be here."

"Well, you are," I said, putting my hands on her shoulders, "And you'll be begging for me soon. I could do so much for you and your family." I tested this idea on her and noticed she looked at me longingly as if I'd offered her the world.

"What are you saying?"

"Beg for me, Sapphire."


I laughed.

"Beg for you?" I said, throwing my hands in the air, "I shouldn't even be here. I don't want you."

Blaze kept his hands on me, "Then why did you suck my cock? Why did you let me inside of you at the restaurant or kiss you?"

I couldn't answer him, but I felt like I was losing this battle. Was he truly offering me what I'd never had or was I too naive to see through him?

"I-I don't know..." I trailed off, averting his gaze. He grabbed my chin and moved into my mouth again, our tongues colliding.

I knew what I had to do. I reciprocated, pulling him into me.

"I want you,"I whispered, letting him roam my body with his hands. I slipped off my jacket as he continued kissing my neck, nibbling every part of my throat. I was so wet for him that I couldn't think straight.

I could feel his cock driving into my leg and I knew that this was going to hurt, but I wanted it. I wanted him and he seemed to want me.

Our moans grew louder, but I could hear footsteps near the door.


"Hmm?" He was unzipping his pants now and I could see a shadow stop outside the door.

"What is that?" I pointed when all of a sudden a large knock came on the other side.

"Blaze!" Star called from beyond the door, "Dad's on the phone for you! He says he can't get you on your phone."

"The fuck!" He groaned, narrowing his eyes and pushing me away from him. He zipped his pants and called back to Star, "Tell him I'll call him later!"

"He wants to talk about work tomorrow! He's going to be back then and you should probably tell him about Sapphire!"

I knew I needed to intervene, "Don't be mad, Blaze. I'm still here. I'm, I'm your girlfriend, right?" I caressed his face and leaned in to kiss him on the cheek. He softened slightly and sighed, "We'll have to resume this later, baby." He kissed my forehead and headed to the door, calling his father.

"Hey, what's up?"He nodded at me, leaving me in the room by myself. I felt empty now. I didn't know what I wanted, but I was so close to sleeping with Blaze that I knew it was bound to happen. I composed myself,grabbed my glasses and decided that even if Rachel was still there, I would let her run and tell Erica that I was, even to my shock, Blaze Baxter's new girlfriend.

No strings, my ass.

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