Wrapped Around My Little Finger

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I woke up the next morning alone. I spread my arm out to search for him, but he was gone. The bedroom door was open and I could hear music coming from the living room. The smell of coffee tickled my nostrils.

Crawling out of bed, I headed to the restroom, relieving myself and to brush my teeth. I looked at myself in the mirror. I was happy that my face looked better than it had a few days prior. So had Blaze's. We were both playing the tough exterior because my bruises truly hurt this time around and Blaze would tense up if I wrapped myself around his ribs too tightly.

Stepping out to the living room, I saw him mounting a TV to the wall. One of those expensive flat screens, The night before, we'd only had my little box television that was decades old.

"What is this?"I asked, standing behind him.

"It's called a TV, Sapphire." he said, sarcastically, "Do you like it?"

"Where did it come from?" I noticed that duffel bag was nowhere to be seen.

"I bought it for you," he said, "Is it straight?"

I stepped back, "Yes. When did you get it?"

"Before you moved in," he said, stepping down from the little ladder, "I had my Mom put it in under the guest bed so you wouldn't see it. If you want your old TV, it's over there." He said, pointing to the dining room table.

"I don't want you going through all this trouble, baby,"I said as he put an arm around me.

"It's not any trouble, Sapphire," he kissed my head and tapped me on the nose with his finger, "Coffee?"

"You set up the coffee pot?" I asked following him into the kitchen, "What's this?"

"It's a Keurig, Spooks,"He laughed.

"No, I mean, I know what it is....I just---"

"You said the other day you wanted one so I got it for you," He told me that my little coffee maker was having percolating issues and needed to be tossed.

"I don't know what to say," I had to catch myself, "Thank you for all of this."

"Anything for my girl," he said, picking me up and placing me on the counter. His head fell into my lap and I stroked his hair.

"What time is everyone supposed to be here today?" I asked, "Noon?"

"Yeah, that's when I told the guys to come over,"he stepped back, handing me a coffee mug, "Everyone is supposed to be bringing something to eat so we should be good. We could even share the cherry pie. Greg will probably try to eat the whole thing, though. I told Star to grab my bug out bag for the night and I'd just get some more stuff tomorrow on my way back here."

He looked at me while stirring his coffee as if I was going to start arguing again about him staying here. I didn't though. I wanted him to grovel eventually.

"I have to work tomorrow, but I get out late. I have to go to my Dad's and that should be so much fun," He was saying as I made my own cup.

I smiled, softly, stepping over to the dining room table to sit with him. He leaned back in the chair and studied my face, "What is it?"

"Just hating your dad at the moment."

"Don't ruin a nice Sunday morning."

"He doesn't deserve to have you as a daughter," Blaze said to me, "I will make sure he doesn't put his hands on you again."

I swallowed hard.

You won't be able to save me, Blaze.... Don't lie about it....

He looked down at my shirt, a tiny midriff, "You wore that shit on purpose."

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