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I wasn't gentle.

I made it clear that I was only going to slow down and or stop whatever I was doing if she told me to. She never stopped me.

Blindfolded, her other senses were on high alert and I did my best to reassure her that the power was in her hands. She trembled when I placed it over her eyes, tying it tightly behind her head. I undressed myself quickly, but I made it a point to strip her slowly. I wanted to take it all in.

I stood juxtaposed to her for what seemed like forever, roaming her body with my fingers, lapping her neck with my tongue. Every sensation came as a surprise, especially when I placed her hands on my cock.

"Stroke it, baby," I whispered to her, "Harder." She did as she was told, but I never took my eyes off of her face. Even though I hated not seeing those big blues of hers, this is what she wanted and this is what I was going to give her.

"That's all you do is tease me, Sapphire," I told her, trying to hold back every moan that tried desperately to escape my body, "Every damn day..."

Without warning, I slipped my digits inside of her core and she lurched back, tumbling onto the bed. Before her arms started flailing, I grabbed them and held them together behind her back. She gasped when I leaned in and bit her neck.

"Don't worry, baby. I've got you."

"Did you bite me?*


I looked at her face to see a small smile start to form.

"Keep your arms down or I'll have to tie them down, Sapphire."

"Oh my... "

I knelt in front of her, opening her thighs until I was positioned between her legs. I continued caressing her clit with my fingers, but I knew she wanted more. She was waiting for more.

With one hand, I pushed her down onto the bed, legs still spread before me and I dove into her with my tongue, lapping up every ounce of lube her body had created for me.

I watched her grip the bedding, trying her best not to put her arms around me. Her moans were subtle because this wasn't new to her. She may have liked it, but there was no surprise until I gently bit down on her nub.

"Ahh," a mix between pleasure and pain escaped her as she instinctively tried to push her legs together, but I forced them open again, clawing my fingers into her skin.

"Blaze... "she gasped my name.

I hadn't let go of her nub, teething it, I inserted my digits again and I went further than I'd done before.

She whimpered and I looked to see if she was OK.

"There's so much pressure.." she was saying, but mainly to herself.

Suddenly, I gently spanked her pussy with my other hand and she jolted upwards, crying out.

I waited for the cease and desist from her, but it never came.

She settled back onto the bed as I emptied her core, leaving her abandoned. I sat on my knees in front of her open legs knowing she wanted so badly to reach out to me. I took in her entire body with my eyes, knowing that I was going to hurt her, knowing I was going to make her swell.


"Yeah, baby?"

"I need you."

"I'm not going to be gentle, baby," I told her again, stroking my dick as I got ready to demolish this poor girl's cervix. I positioned myself and took one last look at her before plowing into her wet core as hard I could, as deep as I could go. Her scream sent me over the edge and she gripped anything she could find, but I grabbed her arms and held them down, plunging faster into her abyss. My weight lingered on her wrists and I knew by the time we were through, there'd be some marks on both of us.

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