Family Affairs

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I felt like Blaze was definitely a force to be reckoned with. He was very handsy during our history class and I was pretty sure the teacher was not happy with us, but he didn't say anything.

When class was over, Blaze walked me to the library so I could work.

He held me close as we walked. The temperature had dropped since we were in class, but that wasn't rare for this time of year.

"Are you going to finish work here?" I figured he was going to do the books for his job at the library.

"Nah, I'll just do it over at Jordan's house," He said, which surprised me. With al of the time he wanted to spend with me, I figured he'd want to stay at the library while I worked.

"Baby, I don't want to bug you while you're working," He said, reading my thoughts. I was actually going to miss him being around and that bothered me.

"Of course,"I nodded, "Oh, your books!" I pulled them from my back, a notebook falling from my hands. As the wind flipped the pages open, I noticed it was full of sketches. Before he could grab it, I skimmed through it.

"Did you draw these?" I asked him, admiring his work.

He ran a hand through his hair before lifting his hood back up, "Yeah..."

"These are really good, Blaze," I told him, "You used to love drawing. I remember you picking on me because I could barely draw stick figures." I handed his books to him and he smiled.

"Thanks, baby," He didn't seem to want to linger on that coversation, but he was certainly talented.

"Well, I guess I'll see you later?" I didn't want him to go, but he looked anxious now and I wasn't sure why.

"Yeah, just call me before you and Star finish up," He said, looking down at his phone.

"Are you OK?"I looked up at him and he realized he'd been incredibly distant.

"Yeah, yeah, I just have some things to do,"He grabbed hold of me and kissed me so passionately that I thought I was going to melt away into oblivion, "Please get dinner, OK? Actually..." He took out his wallet and handed me what looked to be a credit card.

"What are,-"

"Just take it. It's got about five grand left on it."

"I can't pay this..."

"I am not asking you to. I'm asking you to use it for what you want," He said, shoving his hair into his hoodie, "It's either I give it to you directly or use it on you anyway."

I didn't really know what to say. This was too wild for me. He could tell I was not used to this and took my hands into his, "I promise it's OK. It's my card, baby, and I'll pay for it."

He wanted to hurry this up and I wasn't sure why so I let it go and gave him a kiss. He didn't linger, but I watched him as he rushed away, getting on his phone.

I couldn't even think straight at work. How was I supposed to do this when I was sleeping with Blaze Baxter, holding on to a five thousand dollar credit card and being played ON PURPOSE by the guy who used to bully me to pieces. This couldn't be real life, but it was.

It was too quiet and I usually liked the quiet. There weren't many people at the library that night except for a few stragglers and my coworkers, one girl in particular who knew Blaze well.

"Girl, I didn't even know you liked Blaze Baxter," Lauren was whispering to me as we put away some of the returns.

I don't.

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