School Daze

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When I woke up, I was in Blaze’s bed. He was running his hands up my shirt, making me stir. I moaned, checking my phone. We had plenty of time to get ready for school.
“Morning, baby,” he rolled me over, kissing me gently.
I smiled at him, “Good morning.” he prodded into my mouth with his tongue lapping at mine.
I pushed away.
“Oh, I’m not sure that’s a good idea,” I joked at my morning breath.
“I don’t care,” He kissed me again.
“How did I get up here?” I said once he was done making me horny all over again.
“I carried you.”
He’d carried me? Damn.
I watched him roll out of the bed and make his way to the bathroom.
“Listen, if you want to get ready in the guest bath, I’m good with that,” He winked, “I’m sure you want a little bit of privacy.”
“Thanks,” I smiled and started to make my way to the door when he caught me and pinned me up against the wall. Putting my hands over my head, he made his way down my neck with his tongue.
“God, you taste so good,” He moaned into my ear, breathing heavily into it.
“Blaze, we won’t make it to school if you keep doing this,” I whispered to him, placing my hands on his chest.
“I don’t give a fuck,” he told me, bluntly, gazing down at me with those dark orbs.
But I did. How was I going to have him eating out of my hands if I kept eating out of his?
“I need coffee, baby,”I said in the sweetest voice I could muster.
He groaned, playfully and gave me one last kiss before letting me escape.
My stomach was in knots, though. How many people already knew about us thanks to Rachel and Star?
I should have called my friends when I saw how many calls I’d missed, but I’d been just a little busy last night…..
I made her coffee and asked if she normally ate breakfast, but she said she never really had time. It pissed me off that she’d had the responsibility of being a Mom to six kids when they weren’t hers to begin with. I had to hand it to her, though. That took strength,
I ran on coffee and energy drinks in the morning anyway so it helped me that she didn’t want breakfast. We grabbed some thermoses from the cupboard and filled them.
She’d put in her contacts that morning and I was smitten. The glasses got me, but I loved seeing her face without anything blocking my view.
She was wearing her baggy clothes again, but I knew what was underneath all that mess.
“So when do you need me to pick you up?” I asked her as we headed out the door. She was walking over to her car and I grabbed her arm, “Baby, get in the car.” I pointed to my Impala.
“But—I--,”She protested me, but I maneuvered her little body into that passenger seat with no problem.
“Baby, I’m going in the same direction as you,” I said, peeling out of the neighborhood, “So when do I pick you up?”
“I get out at 8, but I am working on the project with Star...” She trailed off.
“OK, so 10? 11?” Our library stayed open passed midnight because the college kids used it, too.
“Probably 10? I’d have to see how much we have to do,”She jumped when I put my hand on her thigh.
“Something wrong, baby?”
I knew exactly what was wrong. I’d seen her checking her phone most of the morning and everyone knew about us already.
“It’s gonna be fine,”I tried to reassure her. She was going to flip her fucking lid when the entire fucking school was bowing down to her because she was my girlfriend.
She smiled at me, but I could tell she wasn’t convinced.
I was definitely not convinced. If Blaze was really trying to mess me up, his friends were in on it and I had to play it cool.
I had to be one of them. That made me ill.
We made our grand entrance into the parking lot. He’d never let go of my thigh the entire time and I could have gotten pregnant right then and there, to be honest.
People moved out of the way when they heard his black Impala pull in. Some looked in the window and others were whispering. It was too cold to be out there that morning so most of them were already inside.
Blaze always parked at the back of the lot and so did his crew. The boys were waiting for him.
Greg and Rob waved to me, followed by Jesse and Jordan. A few other guys lingered around, but I wasn’t sure who they were. I noticed that the girls were nowhere to be found.
I'd noticed he'd downed his coffee like it was liquid gold and I hadn't even touched mine. Leaving his thermos, Blaze grabbed his books and rushed to my side of the car.
Blaze opened my door for me and I stepped out, waving to the guys. They looked like they were up to something and I couldn’t help but remember all the crap they’d done to me the last few years. My smile had to have looked forced, but no one seemed to care.
“Morning, gentlemen,” Blaze announced, putting an arm around my shoulder as we both leaned back against his car.
“What’s the word, Blaze?”Greg took a sip of his coffee, which was probably laced with whiskey.
“Who’s ditching first?” Blaze asked them. I looked up at him and shook my head. He kissed my forehead, squeezing me into him.
Holy shit. This was really happening. He was showing affection to me in public and now I had to reciprocate. I noticed Erica and Rachel heading our way and I took this opportunity.
I grabbed Blaze by the back of the neck, pulling him down to meet my face, smashing my lips into his. We embraced, allowing our tongues to swim together passionately. I heard some swoons from the guys and others who were making their way into the building.
“Go Blaze!” I heard someone call out.
“Get a room!” Another joked.
I pulled away, catching sight of my girlfriends waving to me from the back of the science building.
“I gotta go,” I told Blaze.
“Why?” He looked at me like I’d punched him, “You don’t need to go to class.”
I looked at the others who were watching our every move and then I thought I’d boost his ego,
“I need to brag about last night, baby,” I stroked his cheek. He grabbed my hand, kissing it softly.
“Well, I guess I can’t argue with that,” He placed his forehead on mine. “Behave.”
“I’m only naughty for you, baby,” I made sure that was louder, especially considering that Rachel and Erica had strolled up to the group.
“Bye,” I said, walking away. He smacked my ass and I jumped, giggling, “You behave.”
Erica scowled at me and I rolled my eyes, rushing to meet my friends.
I lingered momentarily in the doorway, watching Erica and Rachel talk with the guys. Blaze was on his phone, not interested in what those two had to say. Before I could figure out what hewas doing, my phone pinged.
“Miss that mouth of yours.” He’d texted me these dirty words and I almost wet myself right there in the hallway. He looked up and I ducked out of sight, following Lourdes and Mel down the corridor to the cafeteria.
“We need every single detail, Sapphire!”Mel giggled as I walked with them through the breakfast line. I was still chugging my coffee from earlier.
I finally texted him back with lips and the eggplant emojis.
He immediately texted back with the splashing water emoji and I had to put my phone away. I noticed so many people staring at me.
I finally settled at a table with Eliza, Melissa, Maddie and Lourdes. They were all ears.
When Erica and Rachel left, I proceeded to tell the guys about last night. I wish I’d taken pictures of their faces. Rob wasn’t shocked though.
“Told you she was probably good in bed,” he snickered, “Hottest bitch you’ve ever had, I bet ”
I didn’t answer, but he wasn’t wrong.
“Speaking of bets, we decided to make this even more interesting,” Greg took out his wallet, “My money’s on her. You won’t break her.”
I laughed, ” You’re kidding, right? She’s my girlfriend, Greg.. ” I placed a sarcastic emphasis on the word “girlfriend. ”
Greg shook his head, ” Doesn’t matter.”
I looked at Jordan,” You too? ”
He smiled,” Yeah but I’m betting on you."
“What’s the pot?”
“A grand a piece,” Greg shook his wallet at me, “You’ve got until graduation.”
“Who’s in on it?”
“Us and a few others,” Greg snorted, “Y’all are the hot new talk today, mother fucker!”
“if this gets back to Spooks, it’s all your asses!” I warned.
“Promises, promises,” Greg joked, lighting up a smoke.
“OK,OK” I nodded, smiling devilishly at my friends, “Game on.”
My friends were so silent after I made my delivery that I thought they’d gone mute with shock.
“Guys?” I waved my hand .
“You’re with Blaze Baxter?” Eliza raised her eyebrows, “And you slept with him? Your bully? Our bully? Don’t you remember how those cheese bags have treated us the last few years? Are you insane?”
Mel piped up, “El, she’s got this. Taking down Blaze Baxter is the plan here.”
“She just gets an added bonus fucking the guy,” Mel winked at me.
I was NOT unhappy about that part, but I did linger on Eliza’s words. He was a straight up villain in the world of cliche villains and I was a walking cliche at the moment, too.
“Just be careful, Spooks,” Maddie rubbed my arm, soothingly, “I mean, I’m jealous as fuck, but he’s dangerous!”
I didn’t tell them about his outburst, but I was quick to tell them about my dad and the park and how it was like he was genuinely upset at my father. I mentioned how he was willing to protect me from him. I told hem about how he bought the kids dinner and had me stay with him. They were very interested in me sleeping with Blaze, but they wanted me to keep my guard up.
Mel glanced at Lourdes and back to me, “Don’t fall for the chivalry crap. Keep a good head on your shoulders."
I bit my lip, I wasn’t that naive, but I understood their concern.
“Of course not,” I said, sipping more of my coffee. There were more whispers around us, but the girls didn’t notice. They were still on about me and Blaze
“So, tell us about it,” Eliza said, grinning from ear to ear, “You seriously can’t hold this back from us, Sapphire.”
I blushed and proceeded to go into every detail as possible about our night together, excluding his tantrum. They were giggling the entire time with a couple of perverted comments here and there.
“My God, I need a cold shower,” Maddie fanned herself.
“I expect a full report every time he takes you!” Lourdes joked.
I was definitely anticipating the next time….
I kept texting Sapphire, even when a chick tried to pull me into an empty classroom. I wasn’t interested in getting caught so I pushed the girl off and headed on my way to math class.
Greg and Jesse were in there with me and they wreaked of pot. Lucky bastards.
“Where the hell you been, man?” Greg asked me, opening a soda and downing it.
“Around.”I tossed my books on my desk and slouched down, pulling my hood back over my head. She hadn’t texted me since this morning and it was nearing noon.
“What’s wrong?” Jesse asked me.
“Nothing,”I stared straight again, balling up my fists in my pockets after chucking my phone on my desktop.
The teacher was due to be in class in a few minutes and I was willing to ditch his class to find my “girlfriend.”
Just then, I spotted Sapphire passing by the classroom. She was headed in the opposite direction so she didn’t see me.
I jumped up from my desk, Greg and Jesse calling for me.
“Sapphire!”I rushed to her.
She whirled around, surprised, “Holy shit, you scared the hell out of me.” She breathed in, placing a hand on her chest to compose herself.
“Why haven’t you answered my messages?”I had my hands on her shoulders, backing her up against the wall.
“My phone died,” She said, showing me the dead cell, “I never plugged it in last night. I just figured I’d see you at lunch...” She cocked her head, reaching up to touch my face, “Are you OK?”
I wasn’t OK. I didn’t need her to have the upper hand on me, but I smiled and nodded, “Of course. I was just worried...”
“Worried?” She laughed, “Don’t be worried about me, baby. I’m just going to class.”
"How are people treating you?"
She rolled her eyes, "Like royalty."
I knew her status would change once she was with me.
“Hi!” Star came up behind us. She had her math class with Sapphire.
“Hey,”I mumbled, my hands still on Sapphire’s shoulders.
“So, I gotta go, baby,”Sapphire stood on her toes and pecked me on the cheek, “See you at lunch?”
I hesitated, but nodded, “Yeah. Bring your charger next time.”
Sapphire shrugged, “OK….”
Star shook her head and I gave her a look. I let them walk off, but not before running my hands all over Sapphire making everyone passing us in the hall very uncomfortable, including my sister.
“Lunch,” She wiggled out of my grasp and smiled at me before heading to class with Star.
I watched her walk away and I just wanted to follow her to that classroom. A throat cleared behind me. It was my math teacher beckoning me back to class. I scowled, but headed back in.
She wasn’t going to let that phone die again.
I couldn’t concentrate in class. Why was Blaze so mad at me for not having my phone charged?
We paired up in class to do some assignments. I wasn’t that good at math, but Star was. She was inquisitive that morning, though.
“Are you and Blaze OK?” She asked me as I struggled through my work.
“I think so,” I offered, “Is he always like this?”
“Possessive?’ Star laughed, “Depends on what or who it is. Why? What happened?”
“He got mad about my phone dying.”
She frowned, “That’s weird. He knew he’d see you at lunch. Maybe it’s nothing.”
Maybe it wasn’t, but I had to keep my wits about me now. I had to give in to him.
“Do you have a charger?”
She let me borrow hers and I was good to go by the end of class. Heading to my next one, I texted Blaze with a smiley face. He immediately responded with the same emoji and about a hundred kiss emojis. I probably blushed, exiting the classroom and I realized that I had to make an effort to be what he thought I was going to be and that was up his ass.
I rushed to his classroom and waited for him outside the door. He was talking with the teacher, while Greg and Jesse lingered a few feet behind him.
Emerging from the class he spotted me, smiled and picked me up, whirling me around the hallway. Greg and Jesse exchanged looks, but I couldn’t tell their meaning. Probably annoyed.
“I missed you,”I said, wrapping my legs around him and kissing him all over his face and neck. He finally put me down, wrapping an arm around my shoulder.
“I missed you, too, baby.”
“I have to get my to other class, but I’ll meet you at lunch?” I asked him. He leaned in and pushed my hair out of my eyes.
“Yeah, how did you know?” I asked him.
“Lucky guess,” He smiled at me,"I’ll walk you.”
God, I wished he’d walk in front of me so I could watch his ass in those jeans. They weren’t too baggy, but not too tight and I knew he wasn’t wearing any boxers because he’d dressed in front of me that morning. Snap out of it, Sapphire!
“OK,” I took his hand in mine and he waved to Jesse and Greg who turned in the opposite direction.
“I’m sorry for earlier,” He told me, facing forward still.
“I shouldn’t have been mad about your phone. It was stupid.”
I stopped him and ran a hand down his chest, unzipping his hoodie on the way down so I could slip my hand inside, “I wasn’t upset, baby.”
Terrified, but not upset.
“You are asking for it, baby,” He said, licking his lips as I pushed my hands up his shirt, caressing his chiseled abs softly, “How missed would you be in that science class?”
I pressed my lips together and my heart skipped a beat, “Not too missed. Why?”
With that, he turned me around and shoved his books in my book bag.
“What are you,-” Before I could react, he’d thrown me over his shoulder, his hands squeezing my ass all the way out of the math building’s back door. I was afraid the thermos I'd shoved in the side pocket was going to tip out and spil, but miraculously did not.
“Where are we going?” I laughed, trying to get out of his grip, but I wasn’t trying that hard, to be honest.
“I want you and I’m going to have you now.”
I needed her wrapped around my dick again. I’d been craving it all day and I wanted to test her. I wanted to see how far she’d go for me.
We made it to my car and I had her crawl into the back seat as I did the same. She didn’t seem at all hesitant about what we were going to do. She actually seemed very eager. It was so cold, but she was very willing to endure this for a go-round in my car.
“Let me,” She tugged at my zipper and tugged my dick out, leaning in to put her mouth on it.
“We don’t have time, baby,” I told her. She slipped off her shoes and tugged her pants off, pulling her panties to the side as I lifted her onto my lap. She slid down my shaft, both of us moaning as she rocked her hips back and forth. I was excited that she was so wet for me.
She leaned her head in and smashed her lips with mine as I ran my hands down her back, cupping her ass and pulling her down harder onto my shaft. I wasn’t going to last at all and I would always pride myself on being able to hold my load for a long time, but she just built me up so much. Her body was made for me.
Her little moans grew louder as she moved her hips faster. I gritted my teeth, tossing my head back on the seat. My hands crawled beneath her jacket and under her shirt. I slipped passed her bra and squeezed her tits together. I wanted to see them, but I had no time and I wasn’t about to let anyone else see them in case we did get caught.
“I’m almost there, Blaze,” She closed her eyes, continuing her mission on my cock. I could feel her clenching around me and I fucking lost it at the same time that she did. We gripped each other so hard, I thought we’d both shatter. Her eyes rolled as she spasmed on my cock and I wouldn’t let her stop fucking me until I’d completely emptied myself into her core. She leaned in and put her head on my shoulder. Her breath was heavy and so was mine, but we said nothing. I held her for the longest time in this position until I was soft. She pushed herself gently off my lap and dragged her pants back on, then her shoes. I zipped up my pants and we just sat there in silence. I didn’t realize I was holding her hand until she stroked mine with her thumb.
“I really need to bring a towel with me wherever I go with you,” She joked. I laughed, but she wasn’t wrong.
I saw she was shivering and I put my arms around her, “Let’s get back in, baby. It’s just in time for lunch now.”
She laughed as we grabbed our supplies and headed back to the building, “You just could’t wait for lunch to do this?”
I glanced at her, “You don’t seem upset about it.”
“Oh, I’m not!” She shook her head, ’On the contrary, I’ve been longing for it all day.”
I don’t know why that made me happy, but it did.
“Why am I your girlfriend, Blaze?” I asked him, suddenly. I mean, it had been a day. A DAY. We’d moved faster than lightening and even though I was pretty sure the real reason, he glared at me.
“Why not?”
“That’s not an answer.”
“I like you.” He said, flatly.
“Since when?”
“Since when did you like me?”
I couldn’t answer. I should have left it alone, but it was bothering me.
“If anything, I like you now,” Blaze said, leaning in to kiss me. I was definitely not going to stop him. Even if his answer was vain, I had to go with it.
“Can’t two people just date and fuck without anything else involved?” He asked me, “If you’re leaving in the fall, why not just roll with it? I don’t date or fuck anyone else and you don’t date or fuck anyone else. That’s it.”
I could live with that. I could live with fucking him for the rest of my life, but I didn’t love him and I wanted love and a family when I was ready to have that.
“Don’t let it get to you, baby,” He said, taking my hand and kissing it, “Let’s just be here now.”
That I could handle. I had to be this way. I had to pretend like I was falling for him, needing him, wanting him all the time. It was a little hard because I’d never really skipped class before and I wasn’t one to skip out on my duties for the paper and yearbook, but I’d completely forgotten about the meeting I was supposed to have with the committee that morning. They were forgiving, thanks to Blaze. He’d shot them a text saying that I was late due to car trouble with the Imapla, which was a bla

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