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I rolled over and found Blaze asleep next to me. The lights were off, but there was a tiny moonlight streaming in through the window. I rolled over and checked my phone. It was close to 4 am.

I turned to face him. He was shirtless, his arm draped behind his head, his free hand resting on his bare stomach. I could have watched him for hours, but I fell asleep again, this time waking up only about an or so later. I watched his chest rise and fall until I just couldn't lie still anymore. I grabbed my glasses and phone, and made my way to the kitchen to get some water.

It was late enough that I knew I wouldn't be able to get back to sleep so I started writing a little bit in my journal. It wasn't a diary, it was a book of poems. I didn't really have any idea of what I wanted to write, but the words just flowed through me.

I glanced at my phone and it was closing in on 6:30 and I didn't want to wait any longer. I made my way back into the bedroom and stared at him for what seemed to be forever until I made my way over to the bed, crawling next to him and pulling down his joggers just below his balls. He stirred in his sleep, but smiled.

"Hey, baby..." He mumbled, sleepily.

I didn't say anything. I pulled off my boyshorts as his eyes fluttered open, tossing my leg over his middle and straddling him. I grinded on his cock, but he was hard in no time. He lifted me up and allowed me to slide down his shaft. His moans made me shiver in the most delicious way. I didn't want to go fast though. I wanted to take it all in like it'd be the last time I'd ever do this with him. His eyes stayed locked on mine as we allowed quiet little mewls to escape us. His hands roamed my body, but he never tried to thrust up into me or engage. He never attempted to direct my hips to move faster.

I pulled off my shirt and he made his way to my breasts, massaging them softly. I held his hands as he did so, never allowing my pace to quicken. He was so deep inside of me that I felt like I would burst at any second.

He was close. I could feel him getting harder and I knew he wanted me to let go before he did. I finally closed my eyes and allowed my release to take over. My body bit down on him with such intensity that the pressure I felt from his own explosion caused me to whimper as tears stung my eyes. I clutched his hands as he groaned out the last of his gel into me.

I didn't leave his body, though. We watched each other come down from our high, both of our bodies exuding little spasms of ecstasy as he grew softer. I leaned over and kissed him. I felt his hand grab the back of my head, massaging the back of my scalp tenderly as we kissed. Finally, I lifted myself from him and settled into the bed beside him, his arms wrapped around me like a blanket.

"Good morning, baby," He said, smiling at me. He pushed some strands of hair out of my face and tucked them gently behind my ear. I traced his jawline with my finger, roaming his chin and up to his lips.

"Did you sleep well?" I asked him.

"'I did," He nodded, "I had you in my arms most of the night. You pushed me off around one." He chuckled.

"I did?" I asked him, obviously not remembering, "I'm sorry."

"I didn't take it personal," He laughed, "Can I take you today?"

"Did you get everything you need from your dad's?"

"Yeah," he pulled me closer. If I'd been any closer to him, we would have melted into one person. He still hadn't pulled his joggers up so I could feel him pressing into my mound.

"How did it go?"

"It went," he said, kissing my chin, "It went about as well as I expected."

I cupped his face, "I'm sorry."

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