Destroy Him

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When I got home, I made it a point to call my friends right away. I'd received a sad face emoji from Blaze and I wanted to strangle him so I didn't text him back. Lourdes and Mel were there in no time.

"What's the dealio?" Mel asked as she rummaged my cabinets, "Let's order pizza."

"No more Italian," I shook my head, "You need to sit down because you will piss your pants here in a minute."

As I told them what happened, I thought their mouths were going to drag the floor. I didn't know what else to say except for something felt off and I couldn't put my finger on it.

"You don't know the stories?" Mel asked me like I'd been born yesterday.

"What stories?"

Lourdes laughed, "I thought you grew up with Blaze."

"Why would I know his stories now? We haven't been friends in years," I reminded them.

"He does this every year. The guy's a player," Mel said, "He destroys what he perceives as weak girls and tosses them off to the side once he's done with them. Once they, fall in love in with him, so to speak."

"Like who?"

"Megan, Bonnie, Noelle."

I knew the names, but two of them weren't at the school anymore. Why didn't I know this? I knew so much about Blaze already.

Lourdes nodded, "At least there's one thing we know. He doesn't choose ugly people. His words, not ours. He started this shit in ninth grade, man. The dude is hot, but he's crazy. "

"He still wants to sleep with you," Mel said as if that made things better, "I'd jump on that so fast."

"I can't believe you did that in Luigi's!" Lourdes giggled, "What was it like?"

I blushed, coming to the realization that I had allowed Blaze Baxter to finger me. Me. Never in a million years did I think this would happen and never in a public place.

"Well, I mean, he did the job!" I laughed,

"You need to stop it before it starts. Play him at his own game," Lourdes said as we made our way to my living room with some sodas.

"What do you mean?" I asked her.

"I mean, play him.You're a beautiful girl, Spooks, and you're not weak. So you had a weak moment! Hell, I would have, too. Play him at his home game and you can get your rocks off, too!"

I thought about it, "I don't know...."

Mel piped up, "And you get to see him crumble. He loves to dominate and hates losing. Let him fall for you, and if he doesn't fall for you, at least he didn't break you. That's what he wants. To use you and toss you aside with him pulling at your heart strings."

"He's a psychopath!" I said, angrily.

"You know what to do and then you can come back and give us all the details!" Lourdes was still in shock that Blaze had chosen me and I could tell. Had he not remembered our history?

"OK," I breathed in, deeply, "I'll do it. I'm going to destroy him."


I had to hand it to Spooks. She was feisty. However, she was also putty in my hands. Heather, who'd witness the whole thing, helped me clean up the sidewalk where Spooks had tossed the uneaten food. I wasn't even pissed off, to be honest.

"Who was that?" Heather asked as we made our way into the house.

"Just a girl I know."

"She seemed more than pissed off at you," Heather said. It wasn't her business. I barely knew this girl. She was a year older than me and in college.

I texted Spooks with a sad emoji and then I got a shock. She'd asked me to meet her in the gym the next morning. Maybe she was going to strangle me.

Heather and I knocked boots the rest of the afternoon until I kicked her out. I couldn't stop thinking about Sapphire, though and that aggravated me. The way she melted into me when we were in the booth, her mouth barely brushing my neck to hide her whimpers. God, I loved that. I was still surprised she allowed me to do it, but it was all working out nicely.

I texted her back that I would be there and then I texted the guys to come over so I could let them know what was going on.

Rob, Greg, Jordan and Jesse were in chaos mode after I told them what happened.

"I think I'm going to enjoy tapping that ass," I told them as we shot pool in my basement, "She's not going to be hard to break."

Jesse laughed, "I can't believe you're gonna make it with Spooks Soper."

Greg nodded, "I mean, she ain't hard on the eyes, though, but she's a weirdo."

I don't know why, but that made me wince, "Yeah, well, weirdos can surprise us." I readied for my turn. I didn't mention that I was meeting her in the gym the next morning, though.

"She smelled good, too," I pulled my shot, acing the move.

Rob laughed, "I'm sure she showers, man."

I scowled, "You know what I mean. She puts effort into it."

"She's a chick. What do you expect?"

"Weirdos to smell like trash compactors?" I was running my mouth as usual.

"Listen, you've got this chick in the palm of your hands now," Greg said, sipping on a beer from the cooler, "Do what you want with her."

What I want.

I knew exactly what I wanted and I was damn sure going to get it.

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